so grateful to feel connected to self

so grateful to have time to
line up the energy to be brave enough to line
up the energy so grateful to do the work
to know this work to know god
and know it is always with me
so grateful to see signs up improvement
so grateful to feel healed

to make the choice to feel healed
so grateful to feel connected to the energy to
feel the energy aligning
to feel the energy aligned

so grateful to feel the energy aligned
to feel calm in my life to feel at ease in my life
experience and feel connected to source
and know that all that matters
is the connection to source

so grateful to feel good to know that
i’m meant to feel good and life is meant
to be enjoyed so gratefl to p

to practice love i’ve been practicing loving
myself and it feels good it feels so good to line up the energy to
feel the full version of myself in this
here and now to believe in myself
to believe in love it feels good
to line up the energy and know

this shit is real
energy is real
its the only real thing
the rest is just an illlusion and i know
i know that

i know that as long as i am aligned with
source nothing can harm me
nothing can hurt me and that
everything is always unfolding perfectly

i can always trust the isness of things
i can always

trust the isness of things i can
always choose love and love

love is my magick power i love
that i get to choose love and know that love
is my super power i love that i get to
choose to love me inthis here a

this here and now i love that i
feel good i love that i
feel good about life i love
doing this

work and
feeling energized by life i love
that i love where i am
right now i lovethat i know
i love that i know i love that i l
get to love this here and now i love
that i get to feel good in this here and now
i love that i get to love who i am
i lov that i

i get to love this here and now i love
that i get to love this here and now i love
that i get to be myself i love that
i get to choose love i love
that i get to choose love

i love that i get to choose
the energy that is me i love that i
get to choose how i feel and i am
leaning toward love
i practice love i practice

sending the signal of love i send the
signal of love i practice
sending the signal of love
i choose love and the
rest is easy i choose love

and the rest is
easy i don’t have to worry i
don’t have to wonder i get to choose
i get to choose the flow
i get to
choose the
energy i want to feel i get to choose
to feel good i get to choose to
feel the feeling of love i get to
to choose

to feel the feeling of love and ig et
get to focus on the
here and now i get to choose love
int his here and ho

now i get to choose to love myself
and ig et to
get to choose where i focus my energy
i get to choose to aling the

align the energy and

it feels good to align
the energy it feels good to align
with source to align with love and pratic

practice that
i figured out what to ‘do’

practice sending the signal
of love and know that is all i can do
and themore i p

the more i practice the signal of love
the more aligned i feel with source and i know
alignment with source is all i would
ever seek and it’s easy to align with source
when i love

because love is alignment
and anything else


i love doing this work and
feeling good i lovw a

wanting to feel good wanting
to line up the energy

i love believing in the energy
knowing the energy and allowing myself
to align with soruce

source i love vibrtrint

vibration at the frequency of source
becuase i

because i am source i love
that i’ve let that go i love that i’ve
let that go i love the better
it gets i love th

the better it gets i love that
i am at home in this here and now i love
feeling energized by the day i love
leaning into the day i love

feeling fearless i love feeling fearless i love


that life
loves me that this day loves me and tha

that god will carry me through this
day i love knowing that
i am taken care of in in

in every here and now i love knowing
that i’m loved i lov ta

that i get to choose to love
and feel loved i love the
better it gets i love that
ig et to choose
the conn

the feeling of connection with source
and that is all i can ever do i love

feeling excited about life i ove
that i love that i can always look with love
i love

that i

gett o ch

to choose love and it

i love doing the work and
feeling good i love
getting back to my ways of loving

myself i love that i get to
to choose to love myself
to appreciate myself to feel good in my life
and know

that i AM god i know that i am
god i know that am the energy of god and that
feels good it feels good to connect to self
and feel at ease in my life
ti’s easy

it’s easy to feel at ease and i love
that i’m seeing signs of improvement

i love
by life