it feels good

i know tis fake i kno any ababad feeling is fa
fake and mad eup i knwo i can do i i nkwo i can have a good day i knwo tis me it i nkow tis ony
ever mei nowt i shwat i klook
at it show ii

i decie to feel its how if ed
decide to feel

i dont care is the thin
i dont care and i love that i k
know that i gett
to feel good that i get to feelgood now
that i get to enjoy my life
herea nd ow

its me its me its only ever me its onlly
ever me and i know that its up to me
to have a good day
its tu
up to me to havve a good day to havve a good day
to feel good today
its up to me to feel good today
to make the jo
choice to jump into tlife to jummp into the feeling
tod o dht
to to
do the work to feel good on my own
to remember the r
truth of life to remember that ruth ofl it

of life to remembber the one and only truth
and i get to live by it
the one and only truth and i get to live by it
i nkow this
i knwot his
just h
just pin intot he truth

when i am awera aware
i have no problems

when i am aware i have no problems i knwo thatl ife
is me i now that life is me that

there’s nothing outside of me there there is never anything
outside of me and that in ever have to think
i absolutely do not hve to think about that and i nkow t
i know this is true
i know the truth of life
and i get to celebrate it i knwo the truth of life
and i c
get to ccelebrate it
i celebrate it here and now

the focus is all there is and i owe it to myself
the focus is all there is
and i owe to myself
at laseet my p

own power todya i dont give away my power
today i take it back i take it back i dont ar


i dont need anything from anyone i say yt
thank you to everything that i i t
say thnk kyou to god i joiong
with god and i knwo that my proximity to god ai
is everything ist
tits the feeing i seek its the sl
closeness is eek its is
is thel ife i seek

i decide that life is good i decie
that life loves me no matter what and i
get off the roller coaster

greateful to know the truth oflife and that i dont
care that i dont have to care that i dont have to care i love that i
dont have to care i love that
i know life is good i ge tot fele it here and now i knwo

that life is good i get to feel god i get ot make the choice
i get to choose god i get to choose the feeling of god
and its the same is true for every aspect o lfie

of life
just choose it be brave enough to choose it
and stick to it
that’s all it is e
be brave enough to choose it and stick to it
choose the vversion i you wnat and live
it choose the eriosn you want and live it

choos the version hyou want
you want and live it

it alreayd is the way i want it to be and tha’s
waht awreenss
means it beans are you awre

hat you’re the one creating it

yes i am awrae

be brave enough to choose it
and stick with it

tha’ts all i can dot hat’s the only solution
do the work a chance to do the work i can
a chance to do the work to know that my

me my pwer is stronger thatn the mind
that’ its easy to use everything ot my advantea

that meanns i get to choose the other
side and its always there
that’s means
i get to choose the other sideand it s

tis always there its always ther eits all in the mind

the in my imagination
i knwo this i knw this is ture i knwo this is true
its my choice

i’m grateful that

i’m grateful
thank you thankyou fore
everything so gratefl f

so grateufl to like where i live
so grateufl we get to stay
that we dont have to work!!!

so grateful we’re rich!!

that’ i get ot celebbate life remembering how much i have
to be grateful for that tis’ its’ up

up to me where i put my attention its up to me to take care of how i feel i dont need andything fro anytion
anyone i dont need anyting i dont need to think about that i dont have to thinka bout that amd
im so gatufl i know i m
so grateful i know

its feels good to feel good make
the choice to feel good make the choice
to feel good to turn it within
to be aware

fo being war

are to be aware of experience

tha’s all thtere is that is all that matters

the source of attention nothing else matters
i kw life is good and its so esay to choose to be graetufl

thank you for thel ife the life i have for the love i have thatnk
thank you for the thel ife i hve thank you
for the love i have i know tis me

it’s always me choosing its always me chossing its
always me
choosing its always

its always me choosing tis me choosing
its always me its me choosing to need soemthign
i dont need a thing i already have it all i dont need a thiing i already have it all and so
im so graeult o come here to remember who i am that i can alwys
remember who i am that its esay to remember who i am
to keep up the good work that’s all there is
just focus on god focus on god
and foreget to the
rest fofocus on god and forget the rest
focus on god and forget ther est