it feels good to feel good

to raise my vibration to asy
yes thank you it feels good to say yes
thank you to focus on feeling good
andmake that

my number one priority

when i focus on feeling good,
i feel good when i look for reasons
to feel good i feel good and them ore
i tune myself to the vibration of
god the better i feel

i love that i can always keep uo
up the good work the
only work that matters and

the better it gets i love that life
comes easily to me i love that the focus

comes easily to me

its easy to do the work its

its easy to do the work to focus
on how i want to feel and i don’t have to care about
what enyon

anyone else is doing
because i make the choice
to feel how i want to feel i

make the choice to feel how

I want to feel and that’s
my choice

only i get to choose this
feeling only i
get to choose this feeling
and i choose it now

i choose the feeling now because its my choice
and i make the time to do the work

how i feel is important to me

how i feel is important to me
so i make the time to do the work and when i make the imt

time to do the work
i am in charge of how i feel

not someone else

so i don’t have to base
how i feel on someone elses behaviour

i am the only one in charge of how i feel
so i make the choice to feel good
now and i don’t have to care

what anyone else is doing

it feels good to feel ogod

good now

it feels good to make the choice for
me it feels good to do the only work that matters
it feels good to let go of

everything else it feels good
to let go of everything else and

just love myself i love that
i get to love myself i love that

i get to choose how i feel and i don’t have to care about the
rst i love

i love that i get to make time
for me cand

and chose

choose how i want to feel i get to

mae the choice to

i get to make the choice to feel good

i love that i get ot make the
choice to feel good ai lo

i love that i get o
to make the choice to feel good
for me and

that i never have to
give my power to someone
else i love that i

get to chose how i feel i love that
i am the one who gets to choose
i lovet hat i am

am the one who gets to choose
i love that i get to choose
the flow i love that i get to choose
god and i know that god

is always here with me i loe
taht i know

god is the only friend i will
ever need i love that i can

simply enjoy my life with god
and that is all i will ever need i love

that i never have to give

power to another i love that
i get to choose to feel good for me i love
making the choicet o focus

on how i wantt o feel and the more
i turn my ho
focus toward how i

would prefer to feel t

the better i feel

the more i turn my focus
toward how i want to feel the
better i feel and i

never have to care about the
rest i made
the choicet o feel

to feel good now i made the choice to
feel good now and

that’s all that matters
i get to let go of the rest
andnot ca

not care about

the rest

i can be alone with god

anytime i choose

i choose to be alone with god
and athat is

is all i need i love that i
get to make the choice to feel good i love
that i

get to make the choice to feel good
i love
that i get to make the choice
to feel good

i love that
get to make the choice to feel
good now and i

never have to wonder if
god is on my side i love that i
get to do the work

with god


and that is the only part that matters
i know its only me out here and in

in this world and i get to choose
what i see i get to choose
what is reflected

back to me

i love that i don’t havet o care i love
that i get to let go of everything
and enjoy life i love
that i get to enjoy life i love that

i get to make the choice to enjoy life fig

rght now i love that i get to make
to make the choice right now i love that
i get to make the choice right now
i love

that i get to choose me i love the
power of my focus i love the power of the of theo us
the focus i love that i get to choose

what i focus on i love that i get
to choose what i focus
on i love that i get to choose where i place

my focus i lovet hat i can
can always raise my vibation i love taht
i get to choose

at what level i vibrate andi
get to choose i get to choose
where i place o

my focus and only
i am the one who gets to choose
how i feel i love that

i get to make the time
to do the work i love that i g
et to make the time to do the work

and feel good i love
that i get to feel good nwo i love
that i get to feel good now

and that’s allt hat matters
i loe that i can let the rest go
i love that

i am brave enough to not care



feeling good