its easy to let go

and feel relief its easy to
its easy to knw that life
is meaningless it
doesn’t matter noone of this

it just is and i
feel relief from knowing taht
from trusting the right now and
allowing the flow

all that maters is where i put
my foucs and my focus in onw the flow
on god

i love that nothing can make
me feel bad

it feels good to do the work

it feels good to focus and whatever
the focus is

that doesn’t really matter
it feels good to allow life to naturally flow
through me i tfeels

it feels good to feel free

it feels good to do me to do the work
no matter what it feels good to loe myself
to not care it feels good

to simply
not care

f feels it feels good
to be free of

of stress
of wondering if
life is going my way
it feels good to focus
in the flow

and know

that life is going my way
it feels good to
celebrate life in this
here and now

it feels good to love
life in this here and now it
feels good to love life in this
here and now it feels good to make the time
to do the work it feels good

to love myself to feel good
about myself it feels good to celebrate
life to celebrate life to
celebrate life

it feels good to celebrate life it feels good
to celebrate life it feels good to feel

i love that life
is good i love that i know is
this is the only work i love
that i can let it

all go i love i

i love that i can let it all go i love
that i can let it

i love that i can let it all
go di love i love that i can alet it
let it all go di love that i know

testicular cancer
is meaningless

arguments are meaningless

the gym is meaningless
how i look is meaningless
the market is meaningless

breathing is meaningless

i know the more i turn my
focus toward god
the more i turn my focus
toward god
the more i feel god like
in nature

the easier my life is the
easier life is i know all i can ever do
is trust

is smile

is choose the flow in
whatever form it takes i know
everything is a thought i know its
its that easy i know
everything is a thought

i know that everything is a thought i know
that everything is a thought

i loe feeling good about myself
i loe feeling good about life i loe that
i get to practice

not worrying aout that
i get to prac

the power of the focus the
power of knowing that eerything
everything is going my way

the power of feeling safe
in this world the power of knowing
that life

turly doe

truly does only reflect me

i love that i get to feel good
no i love that i get to let
everything go and i never have to
allow anything to weigh on my heart i love
that i can do the work and turn my focus
toward god and

life gets easeir
it becomes easier to breath
i love when it is
noticalbe easier to breathe

i know that i can do it i know that

i can mek the make the choice
not to worry about that not
to stress about that i love that i
get to make the choice

and each time i make the choice
to trust the flow

breath becomes easier and i know that is
all it is i love when its easy to breathe
i love that i


i love feeling good ilove love i love feeling
good i love that

when i notice breath coming easier
because i am making a habit of
trusting the flow i love that i’ve let that
go and decided to trust the flow

to raise my vibration
to love myself
to say yes thank you and

simply just feel good in
regards to


i love that i’ve let that go
and decided to raise my vibration i love
tat its easy to let that go
to reaise my

raise my vibration and just smile
i can ust smile
just send the signal of a smile
i know that life comes
easliy when i walk with god so

so i make the choice not to
worry not to stress about that
and to just send the signal of a smile
that’s all i can do

all i can do is send the smile the signal
of the smile

am focused in the flow
and that’s all that matters

i love how far i’ve come
i love
how far i’ve come i love that ht
this is my life i love

that i know my mood is my work
i love that its easyt o feel
good about i know

how i feel is all that matters
how i feel about that is all that mattes

i let that go i know that its my choice
how i feel so im ake

the choice to feel at ease in my life and just smile

i know the power
fot he of the focus
of the dedication and ts easy
to dedicate myself to god

it jusut makeas

means taking the big leap to feel
good to let go of the things i am
holding on to that i thnk

i have to make
right or fix

or make happen

but i don’t hve to

do any of that

i loe that i know i loe that
i can let it come to me i love that i now
when i ask it is given

i love that i know its all
energy i love that i know

its all energy and i et to
send the signal of a smile

nothing else matters
and i get to make the choicet o feel good

to not worry about that

and to focus on the version i prefer!