it feels good to feel the feeling

to feel complete to feel
whole to know i already am

the feeling i already
am everything i could
ever hope to be

i already am everything i could
ever hope to be it already is in this here and now
and for that i am

grateful in

this here and now i am grateful in
this here and now

i am


for this here and now
for the ee

the feelin

of this here and now

grateful for the
feeling of this

her and no

here and now for the

power of this

here and now

i am here

here and no wi

i am

feeling the feeling in this here and now i
feel the feeling

in this here and now i i am

i am
i am

i am

connected in this

here and now and the more i practice feeling
the feeling of

yes the feeling the feeling of
in this here and now
the more

i practice the
feeling the better i feela nd