it’s easy to line up the energy

to look at myself
my thoughts feelings and emotions and ask

why am i feeling this way?
what would i prefer?

or to notice that i am feeling good and then
life is reflecting that and it’s not just


because how many times does
a coincidence have to occur before it


today is a good day and that is
because i choose it

chose it

i chose to feel good to
look for what i wanted to see to


and that’s all there is

focused energy

or not

focused energy?

or not?

and it’s that easy to
know that when the
energy is focused that
is the same

with life

the same with life when the
energy is focused so is life

and it feels good to allow myself to
focus on love to feel the

feeling of but of course

feeling the feeling of yes

it feels good to feel good to
feel the feeling of yes to feel the
feeling of lyes

yes it feels good to feel the
feeling of yes
to feel the feeling of yes to scream



thank you and
feel the feeling and allow

it feels good to feel the
feeling and know that life
will match and know its

tha s

that simple

it feels good to
feel the feeling
and know

life will match it feels good to focus
the energy and be ok with it it

it feels good to love
to send the signal of love to

make the choice to never
wonder to make the choice to love

no matter what to never
be afraid to love to make th choice

to send the signal of love
and know it’s only ever me and i love

coming across the realization

the realization that i am
god and i know it for sure

and allowing myself to be oka y

okay with it

the scariest part isn’t realizing you are god,
it’s accepting it.

and today i am proud e

brave enough to renounce

my humanhood

today i am brave enough to

renounce my humanhood

thank you for this
here and now thank you for life

this life for the feeling of
wakin up

up feeling good ad i

i canfeel

feel that it’s because i’m
doing the work nd

making the choice how i

i want to feel
to send the


to sea

it feels good to let that
go and choose the feeling of relief


would i ever need to control
anything or even try i love
that i get to allow the
universe to do it

to flow thourh

through me to come to me
and i’ll teach a course
on intuitive


the energy is all there is

an di get to make the choice to

feel the

i love feeling aware i love
that i know who i am and i love
that i know bliss is

in the here and now and i never
have to wonder i never have to wonder

and i can relax into the knowing of life
and i love that

i can let the rest go
i am not afraid to allow the



version of myself i am

one who loves i get to make the choice
to be one who love sn i

and i love that i don’t have to e afraid

i get to be one who loves
i get to

one who loves i am allowing myself
to flove
to love

to feel the freedom of love and know
that it’s for me

only for me

not them

it feels good to come into my

my vortex to feel the feeling
to do the work to know that my

mood is my work

thank you for

thank you for this day
for the bravery to

address how i’m feeling and
embrace it

the bravery to embrace how i’m
feeling to feel that i’m still

afraid to go out in public
in my hometown for

fear of judgement

from whom?????

people i knew in another lifetime

and i really don’t gaf about
whay th

that they think

when the

or if they see me

i know i don’t have to be afraid of
anythingi know

i know i never have to be
afraid because when i love

life fe

reflects that

had to realize that it’s me
it’s only ever me and

this shame

i’ve carried my whole life

i can let that go

i don’t have to feel ashamed anymore

i don’t have

to care i don’t have to care
because i found the secret to life and i love

for me

because that is when i am in tune
with my god self

i don’t have to feel
anger or fear

i can feel love and that is my choice it’s my choice to love and
the more i make the choice to love
and send the siganl

signal of love
the better i feel and the more life

comes to me i lovethat

i can choose the feel the
feeling i choose to feel the feeling in

this here and now

this here and now this here and now
here and now this here and now

thank you for this day
thank you for the perfect clients
and the perfect client work than kyou
for the

grocery money that always comes
thank you for abundance thank you
for this trippy experience thatnk

thankyou f

for helpign me feel love for helping
me let go for helping me focus my energy and feel what it feels

life to feel good and celebrate lie

in this moment and iknw th

this is the secret to life thi
is the secret to life and as long as i feel this
feeling this feeling as long as i feel this

feeling the feeling

it feels good to feel
good and my only job is to feel good