it feels good to focus

it feels good to feel good
to feel life flowing to me
it feels good to feel calm
about thigns
it feels good to
get orders every day!!

i love getting orders i love
getting paid for our ideas i love
sending gifts in the mail

so grateful for package pickup
so grateful for a great meal
and to get to play games with
the wife so gratefult o feel
to feel good today and
know that it was because

imade the choice
gratefult o to be aware
aware that it’s flowing
to me so grateful to say
thank yo so gatefu

so grateful to say i love you
to ame

ake the make the choice to be
kind becuse ti

because it feelsg ood
so gratefl to

grateful to know i am
complte in
this here and now so grateful
to be aware of the siganl i am

so grateful to say thank you to know
that life comes to me to be awre of
the energy

so grateful to feel the effects of the meditation

so grateful to wake up feeling
good to get the packages out

so grateful for cozy mornings
and coffee and doing the work
and yoga swings so grateufl
every day is the best day of my life

so grateul i

grateful i get to enjoy life
right now so grateful

it always somc

comes so grateul

to notice reflectsion

reflectison to
say thank you and know that

it is enough

a comment is enough
a like is enough

so grateful to feel the
effects of the practice to feel calmly
blissfu in

in my life to feel that life
loves me to feel confident enough to
feel good about life
and allow the flow to flow
through me every day

so grateful to
allow myself to feel loved

to know i can always

transmute the energy to
know who i am and the power of me
so grateful

grateful for the power of
so grateful to feel good about life
to go about my day feeling
good and know that it is because
of the way i approached it

so grateufl to know the power
of the feeling so grateful to fee

be feeling good to have the space to
iterate to know that it always comes
in due time
sog rateufl
grateful to allow it to

to unfold
so grateful for the
beautiful cover!!

so grateful for the
yoga swing whciuh

which healed my life

so grateful for life for the
ability to celebrate life andk ow
that know that when i ask it is given

and celebrate that life
is always flowing through to
to me and through me

so grateufl to celebrate knowing
thatl ife can only reflect me so grateful
to know my only

job is
to work on the energy so grateufl i know

how to do this
to feel the eerngy
energy of me and

tune so grateufl to tuen

energy to the energy of source and
slowly let go of resistance

knowing that when i ask it
is given and that life
is always flowing to me

it feels good to know that life
is always flowing to me
to know that life is good it feels good
to feel like a match

to life
it feelsg ood

it feels good to be a match
to life it feels good to celebrate me
it feels good to
celebrate me to celbrate

celebrate the magick of me
to make the choice to love m eit

it feels good to allow
life to flow through me and know tha ti am

am already whole it feelsg ood to
to feel whole
it feels good to feel gooda bout my

about msyelf
and my body
it feelsg ood to feel strong
it feelsg ood to feel good

to send the siganl to life for wha
ti want to get back and know

that everyt

every signal

single signal

i know that i am the creator
and i create witht he s

the signal i send and when i send the
sgianl of

signal of it is

then it si

and i know that is all
there ever is is the signal and
that is why this is the only work

as long as i remember that
everything is a signal
then i never have to wrry

worry and i can make
the choice to look for what i want
to see and trust the energy
i get to make the choice
how i feel and trust the rest and i am

allowing myself to

trust the rest i get to
make the choice how i feel
only i get to choose how i feel and i know


first comes the feeling
then the thing

get in the feeling good place
and then

feel good first
feel good for no

feel good and then and
that is the only truth

in life and i am so grateful
i know so grateful
that i kow th

i know that no matter what
i aget t

get to make the

the choice to look for the
sgianl signal

look for the magick i get to make the choice
to look for the magick

sog rateful
grateful i know so gratefl there

there is always more than enough
so grateful i always
get to choose the signal of love

and that is allthere
there is

so grateufl we are

it’s working so ga

grateful it’s working
so grateufl to love to love
and feel loved to do the work
and tune mysef

to the vibration of god

that’s all i can ever do and i love
feeling the power
of self

slipping back in to my existence

i love that i know can
be my best self in thsi here and

here and now

in this ehre and nhere

here and no
i can allow myself to
be my best self

my bod god self
and connect with the feeling of

how would god feel about that?

feel that way