its becaues i wake up looking ourside of me

instead of inside inside is the feeling inside is god
inside is all ill ever need and i now this
i know tis the choic ei know how i good i feel when i make the choice
i know the choice

is up to m i know the t
the choice is pu to me i know its m i nwo i am god
i knwot he look i

the love is ee k
seek is within i know i know that is m

all i can do is fee th
the god self here and now feel the god self here and now

and know that its not outside of me the fee
the god feeling is me

the god ffeeling is me and i have neve not
been the source
i get to chose

i ge to choose an

its me im the one i seek its me

i am the one i seek i am the one i eek
if im suffereing im seeking and i know

i kwo that god heps me i know that i am
god i know that i am the fe

its me its me its me its only
everr meits only eer mits

only ever me and the feeling i choosee to feel the
god self within i get to choose the god we

self within i get tochoose the god self

i’m the source im’ the source

i am the choice ia m ghe

the chocie and its nevver outside of me
thats the part that makes me feel depressed

thinking i need something otuside of me!!

today i will see the effects of the practicce

today i am on the pathless path
i am within i am

devoted today i am devoted to the god sel f
to the god e

to the god self todayi am devoted
today i am the devotion to the mantra

today i am the devotion to the mantra

today i am the devotion to the mantra
i am the devotion to self i am the devotion to the feeling i knwo tis
me i know i am the sourc ei know i am the sourc
i knwo that

i know that i am the source

i knwo for a fact
theres nothing outside of me
i know

for a fact that life has not c
no choice and my new focus is god

my new old focus

is the feeling the feeling inside of me
and i have to choose

i have to make the choice not to feel how i dont ha
want to feel i have to be aware of it because it sme

its me

its me choosing how i feel ad ig et to choose
to have a good day for me

i get to break free ig et to choosthe
feeling of freedom the
feeling of really not ccaring
ccaring the feeling of really not caring

i know the powerr of me i kow the power of me i know

i know that the feeling i seek
of being loved and appreciated
is already

right here with me its the knowing
fo god

the communion with god
with all that is with the

invinite love within the infinite love that
exists when the rest isn’t there

i am
everything that exists when the
rest isn’t there i know

who i am truly am i kow wha ti truly

and i know i am the boss i nkwo i am the boss
and i lovee that
i knwo that i get to feel t i

i know that i get to feel it i get tofeel
it i love that i never have to care
that i can
releae the reaset

the rest

that i’m perfect
that i never did anyting wrong
that im just dong my best

and i never have to do anything i dont wnat to do

i have to choose only i can choose only
i can

choose how i feel i knwo i nkow i nkow

that im putting all mys tocck in something
that i think is

everything i need in my life
like if i just get this one thing

then ill be happy and i know thats not true
i now that its not like that i nkow that
ill never be ahppy as long

i keep thinking something else will bring it to me
i know ts it i sno


i know its me and i kow that life helps me
see that oerr an

oevver and over i know that i can release teh rest i now
i know i dotn

dont need it and the noly
thing t

way to feel the feeling is to feel it now
to feel the

to know the presence of god right now
and devote myself to that knowing

that is the only answer and that is the only work
i know that its me i know

that i was better before i was veel

feeling better before
before i got attached
and i see that no

and i detach myself now
i lovee that i get to chooset he deovtio
to god instead and that it feels good

god feels good and ti the only

the only path to what i seek the feeling
of love and acceptance i seek i know

that it doesntcome from
outside of me i loe that i now this i lovee that
i knwo

im prefer

im perfect and
god is pefect and god loes na dpa

appreciates me i am pefect and god lvoes and pa

appreciates me i love that i nkow this
i lvoe that ig et

today i get to choose to devotion
today i ge tto choose teh devotion to hao

how i want to feel

toda i choose devvotion and that’s all thee is

thank you
for turning me toward my