it’s easy to stop

it’s easy to stop everything and go
to center it’ easy to stop

it’s easy to do the work and allow
its easy to say thank you its easy to say
thank you to all the flow to flow through me
it’s easy to say thank you

it’s easy to stop
to remember my only job is to feel good
my only job is to feel good

it’s easy to do me to remember i only
have to do me in this here and now it’s easy to feel
the flow to feel the flow i

it’s easy to let go and feel
the flow it’s eay to b

easy to be nice to myself
it’s easy to enjoy the day it’s eay to

to say yes to this right now

to have a good day
to decide to feel good its
eay to

to let go and do me it
its easy to allow loife life to come
to me it’s easy to allow life
to fow through me its’ easy to do the
the only work that
matters it
it’s easy to do

do the only work the only work that matters
it’s easy to do the only work that matters
it’s easy to do me to do the only

work that matters to make the choice
to feel good now its easy to feel good now to
feel good now to



it’s easy not to care it’s
easy to let go and not care
it’s easy to feel good for me
and not care about anything
else it’s easy to do the work
right now

it’s easy to love right now
it’s easy to let go

right now its’ easy
to love right now it

it’s easy to do the work right now

it’s eays to line u the

energy its

easy to stop

its easy to stop
its easy to

its easy to stop

to not care an allow life to flow
through me i love that i don’ thave to
care i love that i get to line up the energy
i love that i get to

line up the energy i love
that i get to line up

the energy i love that i know its;

only me i love that i can accept life as it is

i love that i don’ thave
to care i love that i get to make
the choice to

enjoy this day i love
that i get ot feel good i love
that i know its all energy

all love that i know it’s
all energy i love that i get to choose to love
to look for what i want to see i love

that i get to make the choice to feel
good now i love that i don ‘thavet o

to do what i think anyone
else wants me to

i lovethat i get to have fun no matter what
i love that i get to do the work for me and that’s
all that matters
i love that i get ot make the choie

i lovethat i get to
make the choicet o feel good and have fun i love
that i know its all u to ei love
that i get ot make the choice
to feel good i love
that i get ot make the choice

to send the siganl
the signal of yes ilove
that i get to send the sginal of yes’

i love tat

i get

can choose to just stop
i can choose to stop

i can choose to feel good now i can

choose to love i can choose my vortex i can choose
my verot

vortex i can choose my vortex
i can choose

my vortex

right here and this here and now

i get to choose to feel good i love
that i get to make the chociet o

to allow life to flow through me i lov
that i get to make the choice to

allow life to flow through me
i love

that i ge tot make the choice to allow life

i love that its easy

to just STOP

I LOVE that it’s easyt o s

to just stop i love that i
can simply let that go and

decide to feel good i love
taht i don ‘thave to

care about the rest i love
taht i can let that go

right now i love
doign the wor

the owrk wor

form e i love tha ti get to make
the choice
to do the work

for me i love
that i get to love myself inthis
here and now and tha’ts

all that matters i love
feeling like myself ilove
feeling new i love making
the choice i love

makingthe choice to
feel good now i love
making the choice
to flo

to love

i love making the choice to love i love
that i get ot make the choice
to enjoy this day i love

that i know everything will work
ot i love tha ti know

everything is perfect as it is

i love that its

easy to stop

and just let that go i love
that its easy to


and let things go it

it feels like

i love that i get to choose
not to car ei love
taht i know its ono

not workth

worth caring about i know that all that matters
all that ma

is worth caring about

is the flow

the flow is always flowing
and so is love and it feels good to
love to knowt hat love

is always flowing and

to love myself enough to lalow

allow myself ot love

i know that i can

always feel good int his
here and now i can always feel good in this
here and now i

can always feel better in this here and now