i love noticing

i am aware of where my
thoughts atre and
what they
are creating i love that
its eay to stop


i love that

i don’t have to care i love that
i don ‘tha
have to dumb myself down for you
i love that i can allow my own magick to flow i love

that i know my power i love
that i know my power is in myself in my
not careing i

caring i love that i don’t have to
care i love that i ow t
i know the contrast is helping me i love that
ig et to allow i love
that i get to send the signal i love
that i am

wealthy i love htat i

i don’t have to care

i love that the contrast helps me

i love that the contrast helps me celebrate life
i love that i can let that go i love
that i don’t have to care i love
that it’s not my problem i love that ;i

i love doing the work i love
doing me i love that i can allow it i love
that i can allow the

best to flow to me i love
that i can just


i love that i can just stop i love
that its’ easyt o just


stop that traid of t

train of thought i love that i get ot
to choose i love that i get to choose
i love that i get to choose

i love that

i get to choose

i love that i get to choose the
magick i love thatl ife rem

reminds tme to choose the magick i love
that life flows through me i love
that it always comes when i least

expect it i love
that i know life is working out
form e

me i love that i know life
is working out form

me i love that i get to celebrate
this day i love that i

that i get to celebrate the
magick of life
flowing through me

i love that i don’ thave to
care i love that i can let go

of old baggage i love that
i can unwind and not care i love that
i can unwind and now care

not care i love
that i can do me i lo

let it go i love
that its’ ea

eay to feel the feeling of god
in me now and let the rest go i love
that its

easy to feel the
feeling of god within me

within me i love that it’s

easyt o

to feel the feeling of god i love
that i am wealthy i love that its’w roking i love

that i know life loves me i love
the feeling of not carein

caring i lov that

love that it’s easyt o let
go i love that i

don’t have to cre i lo

i love doing me i lovet h

that the contrast helps me

within i love that i

the contrast helps me focus
within i love

i love letting go i love
that i’ve let that go i love that
i don’t care i love that

i am doing me i love
that its’ easy to

just stop

just stop creating that version

i love that it’s easy to just stop

stop creating that version i love that
it’s easy to just stop i love that

it’s easy

i love celebrating life for me

i love celebrating life form ei love
that i get to shoo

choose life right now i love
that no one can stop me
i love that i

no one can stap me

i love

myself i love that i am wealthy i love
that the work always works i love that i know it’s

not worth the negative energy i love
that i don ‘thae to

to care i lov that i

get to create the version i prefer i love
that life is helping me do that i love
that i am always

becoming the best version of myself i love
that i know it’s up to me
to choose to see life how i prefer i love

that i can always switch to the
version i pere

prefer i ove
feeling good i love not caring i love
that the feeling
is always right here with me i love

that i can choose
to accept i love

that i can choose

i love that i can choose to feel how i want i love
that i am wealthy i love that i am
wealthy i love that i

get to feel good now .