its me

its the feeling of me its choosing the feeling
you want to feel and knowing that it comes and
that is the only thing i can ever do in life is choose the feeling
i want to feel
and i love that i get to i love that i
get to choose the feeling i want to feel here and now
get to choose the focus get to choose the flow of life

here and nw i can choose how i want to feel about it
ad now that is what will happen

only i et to feel it and i now life has to follow only

get to feel it and i now life has to follow and i ove
that i now that i get to celebate thta t

the god self right here and now
tha i nver have to wonder and the contrst makes me focus
i love that i now t

this i now the most important work si

is this the feeling work and doing it for me work
the doing it for me work and remembering who ia m

remembering that i am god and that

there’s no rush to get anywhere ori

achieve anything becaues im already here and now
at the ceter of unconditional love and i

i love that i now this that i have access to it that
i always have access to the truth that i can allow
the truth to flow tro

through me i get
that i now the truth i get to fee
to feel good t
get to feel the flow the p

the flow the god self the
flowing of knowing the flow
of knowing the energy of knwoing and
the contrst helps me focus on ath

i know i am making it all i knwo that
the l

slightest whim breaks
brings it about i know that its
always me i nkow that its always
reflecting me that its never outside of me
that i get to choose
the feeling and know that

life must follow

i know the one and only truth and
its the only thing i live by i

i know the powre of me and that its alwya sme
i nkow this i nkow this i love

when it cclicks when its all so
easy i love when its al so easy

when t s
so esay to feel the feeling i want to feel i love
when its

eays to feel the feeling iw atn to feel