its me its me its

stand up to my thoughts right away
and that’s what ive been doing i feeling better im
feeling bette ri
i feel better

use the energy be aware aof it and remem

the power its a good time to focus
the power of me
the poweer of me the power

its the same shit over and over
and im ready to break ti im
ready to hela im ready to heal i love that
i get
let it go just trun the boat just turn tha t
the boat and its so eay to know my ower
to know my power to know my power
to get back int he practice its so easy
to remember who i am to stand up
rto my thoughts and
get back tin my power its so yeas

now i can do my chosres
chores now i can feel energized now i can feel
the god self the god

my own power is all there is
my ower
own psource
is all there is the

inner world is all there
is and i kno thei
i knwo this this
is t

is the only truth and
the only thing worht
thinking about
is the one and only t
and i get to just choose it
i get to choose it

inside turn it wthin
and tha’s all i can do is take
my poweer

own power backt hta’s all i
can is take my own power back

my p

own power back take my pwe
own pwer
that a

back and say thank you forth ower
powerful reminder

my owen poer that i now so well
the one and only poweer the one and

the one adonly power of me

am i going to choose it ma

a i going to choose i know
i nkwo the poweer of me i know the pwoer
of m e
the i
i knwot hepower the power
fo em

of me i know the pwoer of em

i’m the source
and the desire is the

the deisre is the misery
the desier is the misery
and that’s all there is to remember
all there is to remember
is theo
one and only truth im dr

driving my life with how i expect it to go im’
driving it wth owh i
howa i exoect it to go that’s

tall ther is
that’s i
is the one aond on on
and only truth that i the onl
one and only truthim
creaging in

every moment its always me is alawys me
its always me

its me im the source of the feeling of the

its me im the source im the
source of m own power im the souce of
my own
own power im sht e
the source of my power
own power i never have to wonder jut focus
on what i
know just choose the
pure vibratoin
just choose
to be the
the source just choose the one aodn
and only

to live by the on

its me its the same lesson every time
its the
the same lesson every time
and i know this im
ready to feel it now im
ready to do the work nowim

ready to be the sourcce im
ready to
remember how eays ti
its is to drive life with the feeling
id rive with the feeling
and i nkow tha’s

all i can do that’s all ic and o that’s
all i cn is love myself for how far ive come
id dint’ blow the whole thing
up i didn’t blow it up idm
im doing better im doing better


so grateufl for the focus fo the
conrast the helps me focus
hels me remember who i m
helps me
remembe i a
always have the upper hand becaues i am
the one aond only creator

its me its me its me take control hof
of how i feel of the truth of life
take control of
the truth of life of the one and only truth

move the energy up move the energy
make the choice make the choice

to remember what i nkow to remember
the poer of em tor emembe the power of me
to remember the

to sink back into the power of me to love me
to choosem e
i choose myself what i want is mthat
that power back is that knwoing back is
the knoing back
i sthe feeling of knwoign bakc i know that
i nko
i knot hat its me i nkow that tis me i nkow
that is m
it se its me whati
tis ehasve
i feel its h

its eha

whatever i feel tis eh
whatever i feel

its not her its me its not her

its never her its me creating my life

with every thouht eith
with every expectation nd i know tis so esay
to stand up o my thoughts i love that
i get ot i ove that
i get ot feel the
feeling now i love that i get to feel

the feeling now and then life
fills in the rest
i feel the feelig nwo nd life fills
in the rest and that is the only focus that
feelig is the only turht an

truth and the only focus
nd the only thing i ever need is
that that is the only e
thing i ever need it
and its right here with me
id ont need naything from anyone!!!

it will never come from them anyway!!

thank you god for remidng me
thank you
god for reminding me that tis alwraye

already here with me its alredy he for
with me for the taking i lvoe that i get to
feel love that i ge tto allow

love tot lfo
to flow through me
that i get ot a

allow love to flow through me

its never them its me its never them its me its the feeling of me its
the feeling of me thank you god for everything

its the feeling of me
its the
feeling of me now im my only woruce
source im

i am
is the only treasure