it’s ok

i know i can always be present i know that i can always
just be

i can just be and i don thave to et
anything be my reason i don thave to t

i can just be and i know the power of the the
power of choosing to be present rather than

the power of choosing to be present
rather than dwell on waht may happen in the future

i get to focus here and now and just be

all ic an do is be all i can do
is be all i can do is bee

the most painful part i guess is that
i keep blaming myself thinking i could have done something more
or if only this that is the real pain
thinking its my fault and that i could have done better

appreciated more
given more cared more when i didn’t
paid more attention

guilty for past choices
things i didnt know then ways i diddn’t wee
feel then that iwis

i wish i had

but i know we did our best we did our best
that’s all we could do and i can’t change the past
and even if it was different
it wouldn’t change the now

its the way it goes its just tehw ay

the way it goes and i accept it i sink into it

i sink into it that’s all i can do is sink into
it sink into any feeling and allow it
allow life to take its course and that’s the real work

no matter what it is i’m allowing life to take its course

and i guess i’m afraid of being sad about it the
rest of my life

the memories huanting me
the regrets the guilt
the things i can never change

that i ddint even care about at the time
but in hindsight i can’t believe i didn’t and now
im mad at myself ofr something i can’t change

that wouldnt change the prse

but wishin i would have taken advantage when i could

when i had the chance

we still did our best
we were out there very day
with the door open
all day until class and then when we got home

it wasn’t that bad and we really tried

we did our best and its not something to dwell on
dont gind

find something to dwell on and choose how you ee
feel right now choose how i you feel right now

i don’t have to expect the worst
i don’t have to expect the worst

i can choose
how i feel

i get to choose i get to choose teh fous
and i knowt he

i knotice

i notice the difference in how i feel i knoticce
the difference in how i feel

i never have to expect the worst
and even if i’m prepared for it

i dont have to

i dont havet o i dont have to i dont
havet o i dont havet o epxect th

the worst and i can i dont have to expect the worst
and ic an i can

just be just be here and now just be in this
here and now this
here and now

i can just be

i can just accept what is
sink into it



the mysical law of cause and effect

it’s my choice its my choice
and this directing of the energy is so intergral

i’m so grateful to be here directing my energy
choosing how i want to feel right now
so grateflu li

get to choose how i feel i get to choose

how i feel how i cope i get to choose
to sink in i get to choose to say yes

i get to chosoe i get to allow i get to choose
i get to allow and i know

i kno wthat i can get through it
whatever it is
i will get through it and i know that so
i don thave to fear

i can just accept
and do whatever i can right now
whatever i can today

this work always works because it helps
me remember the secret of present
and reminds me that i always have that power

and that’s all it is is presence
in this moment
not leaving the moment to
think about ow

how some future might unfold
but just expanding to fill this moment
and i know that’s all i can ever do
and nothing else matters and i welcome
the feeling of knowing that nothing

else matters and all i can do is
be in this moment

all i can do is be in this moment all i can
do is be right here and now

all i can do

i sbe all i can do is be

all i can do is be here and now
and just allow just allow all that is
allow the ins and outs of life

allow the ins and outs of life
allow the ins and outs of life

and that’s all i can do is just be in there
in this here and now and know that it
always passes and then it’s


something else or
it isn’t

either way


i know that all i can do is
be i know

i know i know i know i know i know
i know i know i know

all i can do is be here now
all i can do

is be here now

all i can do is
is be here now that’s all i can do
and do i need to think this thought??

no i dont’

it’s as simple as that do i need to think aboutt his

this no
and thre’s nothing i can do right this second
and when there is

i can make the choice but right now
there’s nothing
i can DO

so all i can DO
is BE

all i can do is be here now

all i can do is
be here now all i can

is just be just expand to fill this moment
just be in this moment releae

everything else and if i expand to fill this moment
then i am it and i don thave to try to
escape it