what’s working

and its up to me where i focus its up to me
if i choose to be afraid or radically accept what is
its’ up to me if i want to radically accept what is
i get to choose how i feel and where i foxus

and even though its been hard to
get up and face it

i nkow that i can i know that i have the skills
i know that ha

i have the tools in my toolbox and that this is just
life is this the unfolding of life

it’s easy to focus on what’s working
you either choose to believe it or you dont and

does not believing it get you

its up to me to choose itsu p to me
to me to feel optimistic
its up to me to allow its up to me to allow

its up to me to say yes to say yes to what’s working its up
to me to feel it it a

to allow it to conduct the ne

energy its up to me to conduct the energy

it’s up to me where i place my focus
and today i’m focused on radicallly accepting everything that comes my way

i’m here and i feel good i feel good becdau

because i get to choose i get to choose
how i feel i get to choose how i feel and if
i sink into how feel then i feel better
because im not chasing it away
i’ accepting it i’m accepting it

i’m radically accepting every change that comes my
way i welcome it because i knw that
is the process of life i knwo the procsss of life
and i trust it i trust the process of life

it feels good to focus to feel the energy
to choose teh energy to allow the

energy to conduct the energy it feels so good
to conduct the energy
of me

so gratefulto be to be here doing this work
that i can always come here to feel good ic an always come here to feel good

so grateful for the sun!!!!
to wake p to the su

so grateful i know that life
experience teaches that this is life
and we wouldn’t want it any other way

i know that i get to choose and i dont have to expect the worst

i kept expecting the worst and it never was!!

i can just allow i can just allow life
to exist i can just allow i can ust allow

i can just allow life to flow through me saying yes
to all

everything that comes my way i love that i ge
t to enjoy this day i love that i get to feel this day
that i get to feel this day
that i get to feel this dasy

i’m here and i’m focused and that is
the energy of life

i accept and allow and that is the enegy of life

flowing through me so grateufl i get to choose it today
that i know it

always turns back around

i’m here and i’m accetping

i radical accept what is i accept life
i accept all that comes my way and im so grateful to be here getting to
do the work i get to do the work
i get to see the sun i get to

thrive no matter what i

as long as i can accept anything that comes
nothing can hurt me

so graetful to feel good to feel focused to feel the flow
flowing to feel the energy of life to feel the energy of life
to feel the energy of life

so grateful to do this work the
only work so grateful to do this work
the only work

i’m here and i’m focused and i’m tuing

tuning i come here to tune to remember how it feels to
release and allow to remember

how it feels to accept everything that some

comes to say yes to li

i’m here accepting and allowing i’m here allowing
life to flow through me i a

i am allowing all of life to flow through me
and i dont have to let it land on me

dont have to keep it insie me
just accept everything that is in this
here and now

in this here and now is all there is and as long as i’m
not focused on the past of rthe

or the future i can feel ok
i don tha

i dont have to thnk about the future i can
only ever think about right now

i can only ever think about right now

i can only ever think about

right now i can only focus in ths now i can only ever focus
in the fnow i can only focus in the now

grateful for the love i feel tr

grateful for all that love has brought me
so gratful for the love of my life
so gratful

to be grateful for what i have right now

to be grateful for what i have right now and that’s
all i can do

all i can do is be gratful for the
love i have right now
that’s all i can do i know that

feeling creates
i know that feeling creates
and i know i don tloo

lose anything from
feeling optimistic
from not dwelling
from allowing whatever is

to be

i know that i can choose to feel good i know that i can choose
to feel good i knwo that the solution is alwys ther ei know that

ic an walys
choose how i feel i know that i can choose how i

so grateful to feel ok today to feel ok today
and taht’s all i need

all ican do is be here now

i can choose how i feel i can choose gratitude
and that’s all there is

i get to choose how i feel i get to choose ho awi feel
i get to choose how if eel

i get to choose to radically accept
everything in this moment