its only ever me

i now the only work i now he p
only place i nwo the only feeling i nkow the power of em i now
tis the
i kow the power of me i knwo the c

total confident
i nkwo the total confidnece

the only work is the inner work i knwot heonly
the oly work is the o

inner work i nkow that that every emotion is and
indicator of the inner work i knot
i know that is theo now rl and i know i that

this is theonly owrk
and i nkow ti thi

what did i lose that i had befreo

i was me and then i started looking otuside
of me and i nkwo thte verything is
a reminder

to looka t the
true source theeres only one true source
and i bles everything


helps me remember to put attentoin on the sorucce
thre’s only

only won one job and i knwo this
there’s only one job and i know this
and the onl owrk
is to be a

not afraid fo doingt he one job
of feeling the god self

its the feeling its the feeling
and life has to follow
tis the feeling and life has to fell

foloow i
follow i lvoe feeling free i love
feeling totally confident in life
i love that i nkow tis always unfodling
i love

that i can trust lif com

life som

i love that i get to choose to love it
i love that i get to choose to be god i love that
i know iam always god im

always god i get to choose it i


so grateufl to be centerd in the feeling
to remember what left to know every time what leaves
and its the

tis theknowign that ia m
everything i know that its me i know the feeling
and the only work is the w
feeling the only work is gh
the feeling of god the fo
feeling that iw ant to feeland that
is the only focus
that is the only focus

i love

the feeling of love my fowr
work i lvoe the
feeling of love
loving life i lov

that i love whre i live i love that i love my wife
i love
that we wake up happy to see eah other i love that she loves me i know that she loves me
i know that

i am loveable i knwo that god loves me i kno
that i am loveable becaues i am
i love that
im healing i love
tht at

i knwo the real secret ot life and i never have to wondder
i love

that i knwo the
real secret to life and i nenever have to wonder i love that i nwo this
i love
that i get to enjoy my life i love that i get to have fun
i love that i get to choose love for the th
the sake of feeling good i lvoee that i
get ot do the only work i lvoet hat its so easy t
ot do the only work i lvoe that
tis so eay to do

the only work

the only work is the inner work the feeling work the i know
knowing work and im so graeufl i get to do this work today that i ge tot feel for it and feel the bliss of feel the bliss of knwoing
feel the fli
bliss of god being here feel the bliss of total confidence in myself and my life
the choice to love myse

my life the choice to love for the akse of loveing
to be confient

to love i

i lovve when im confident enough to love

total confidnet in the
feeling total confidence

in the feelin total confident in the feeling of god in the feeling
of fun in the feeling of fun

in the feeling i knwo that
i nkow that i am gaod i never have to ow

look to anything else i never t
have to look atanything

i never have to consider any happenings
i never have to consider others actions
i choose me i choose the inner world i chosoe

lavish abundance and i nkows iteh

ish ehre the more i feel for it the or
i feel for
it the more it is and i nkow tis working i knwo tis work i
its wri
it i knwo towk ri i know tis working

i ilove feeling i the flow i ove
feeling like im working with life like

life is workign with me i love loving when

whre i a i love the feeling of trut ing life
i love that

the feeling of trsuting life i love
the feeling of trusting life

tuning myself to the

frequency to the frequency i sm
am brave enough to trust the frequency i am brave enough to trsut
the r

frequency to bring my focus back to my bod
god self and trust that
to knowt hat’s all there is to love becaues
it feels better
because its what i prefer and feel the


power of that to feel the power of the feeling
to pay attention only to the feeling

the feeing is
all there is the feelin

is all thre is there n’s tho
nothing else nothing is separate from
me life is always working out for m

here tuned in i know this i am wa

awake i am aware i am awake i am
awrae i am
practicing the feeling i drive life with the feeling
i drive life

with the feeling and thats’a ll ic an do that’s all ic an o

doo i

i know the feeling i know the feeling i know
that life has to follow it

i love that i dont hve to care
about anything outside
of me

ayone outside of me
all there is is attention
on itself all thre