its so eay to feel good

tis so eay to feel good to feel free
its so easy to feel free its so eay to set myself free

so grateful to be free so
grateufl to be free so gratef to be free
to bee free

so grateful to be free to feel free


i’m here i’m here i’m here i’m here i’m here
it feels good to be here it

it feels good to be here iw anted to be here im here

im here im here im
here im

here im here im here

im here it feels good to be here to e here it feels good to
be here it feels good to be hre so
grateful to be to
to fee
feel t

the feeling of god to feel the feeling of so
god so tr
grateulf for tfeel the feeling of ng
to feel the
feeling god feels

i love feeling free i love feelig the flow
flow through me i love that i get to chosoe i loe that

i get to chooe i love that i get to refuse to suffer i love that
i get to choose teh side of the wave

i prefer i lve that i get to remember who ia m i love
that i get to remembe who ia m i love that

i get to remember who i am i love that i get to remember who
i am i love the power of me i love that i dont have to give it aware

away i love that i get to choose
i love that i get to choose what i do

i love that i love that i get to chosoe
i l

thatnk you for the flow
for the feeling for th
relse for the celebrate ion ofl ife
thank you for life

i’m here i’m here
feeling the flow feeling the

feeling the feeling chooseing the feeling
chooseing the feeling i prefer

choosing the
feeling prefer

i’m here i’m here i’m

here i’m here

i love doing the work i love that life
reflects me i love that the particles arranged i love
that i get to feel good no matter what get to do this work

no matterr what get to do this work no matter what i love that
i get to i love that i get

that i get to feel the flow that i
get to feel the feeling that i get to feel god that i get to know
god that i get to ocme
here and know god that i geto to ccome here and now
know god that i geto

ready to do the work to make the change to o
love to feel the feeling of love r
to release the rest to not care to

really gaive up to really not care

i’m ready i’m ready to look for cc
soething new to have the

courage to feel something to feel the
ocean to sink to the bottom to let it all god to
to remember the source
im raedy to
remember the source im rready to be teh tsource
to relade t

blame to relae looking to someone else to realae
gign away my power

to feel something new i can allow myself to
feel something new

i am aware i am aware i am aware of the version i create i am
aware i am aware what i look for what

i give attention i am aware that i can choose
to feel good

that i dont need anything to feel good
that ig et tohave ti not
it now that ig eto tfeel ti now that
ig et to feel god now that

that feeling of the wish fulfilled
is the feeling of comoletley trusting god
and kn


looking for god in everything
i love that i getot i love i lov tha
that i get to i love that ig et ot love
that i getot choose to love

i love that i know i love that i now t
ther’es nothing outside i
fo m ei love that i get to feel good

and trus the flow of life
i ge to fele


and trust thef low of life
i get to

feel good and trust thef lwo
of life i get to t

trust thef lwo
of life i get to g
trust teh flow of life
i get to

i love that ive let that go i love that
its eay to le

let that feeling go i love that i kno wthat ther
theres no right and wrogn