the work works

the work works i can just drop it foreverr
i can just dro it fo

forever and i love that that is mmy choice
i love that th
life remdins m

reminds me i love that i get to play with it i love that
i get to give up i love that i get to love
laugh i love that i get to love for no

reason i love that i get ot

the work works the work works the work works
the work works the work works

i get to feel love i get to

i get to feel the flove the love the love

the work

always works the work always works the work
always works the work

always works the work
alwas wor

always works the work always works i get to give up i love

that life helps me remember my powerr

life helps me remember who i m awhat i am what i really am
waht i really am life helps me remember wha i

life helps me remembe wha ti m
what i am i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get to
to give up i love that i

dont have to care i lov ethat i get ot give up
i love that i get ot choose m i love

i love that ig et to be feel free

i get to be free ig et to be free i
get to f
be free i get to f

feel free

the work works the work works the work works

the work works the work works the
work works

the work works and i know i never have to
think iabout it gain

i can jsut feel ti

can choose to feel it and its resolved
feel it resolved and it is
choose it and it is i know tha

the gon
contrast helps me focus teh
the contrast helps me focus
the contrast hepls me focus

contrast helps me focus the contrast
hels me
helps me focus the contrast th
helps me focus

the work works

what do i know??

and how long am i going to keep acting like
the truth isnt the truth???