ive already tried thinking it to death

and now im brave enough to choose my power to choose the power
of me to choose teh feeling the feeling of me the feeling i prefer

im brave enought o chooseo

to choose the feeling first to know its me to know its me
that i get to choose it that i get to chooes it
that i get to chosoe it

that i get to choose the feeling first the atha
the more i know me the easier life unfolds
life is unfolding in my favor i knwo that all of life
is unfolding in my favor

and that’s the only feeling i need i ta
that i theo nly knoweldge i need and i get to get out of thew ay of the waryt

the rest
i get to choose teh flow of me the flow
of god flowing through me

the powre of knowin g i
i get to choose thep owr o k
of knowing i get to choose teh
power of knowin gi get to choose sce

security in god i get to choose to have fun
i get to

choose to have fun

i get to choose the flow the flow
the flow of life i get ot choo

to choose the the the flow of god
the relae for from those thoghts freedom from those thoughts knowin g
tha i would

i have to be able to live without this perosn

relief fromt hose thougths letting those thoguths tog

do oin

doing the owrk doing the fitnees budcae whta
i get to choose

i treid teverything else
and now i get o cho
to use my po

power i get to use my power i get to use
my power i get to ch

use my power i get to use my power

ive already tried thinking
it to death ive already tried the physical
and now i get to allow the magick

i get to allowt he magick i get
get to tired

ride the magick and not care what happesn

that is the magick i get to ride
the magick today i get to ride the magic
ig et

i get

i can always get dsi
distance distance frrom myi thoughts
and its up to me
what i think about i love that i know i
get to have fun that i dont have to

ick it up that i get to chosoe how i look at it
that i get to choosee th
to know that is put back together and i dont hav

to pick it apra ti
agian i get to just lovve i get to choose myse
fo i getto
to choose myself i

i et to hoose the magick instead
ig et o
i get to choose me instead instead i get to

choose love instead i get to

i already tried thinking it to death
and now i get to choose teh magi

the magick now i get to choose the
magick the magick

the magicck i
i an only ever choose

its so easy to let it go to
allo life

allow life to unfold each day
to ccelebrate

each moment life
knowing life is unfolding perfectly

its so esay to feel good to feel
the flwo to feel

to feel energized to feel happy
to now

not let a single thing touch to
me to knw that its always me its

its always
only ever been me its

only ever me its only
ever me if ever
i start to look outside of me
tis me

its me i feel the feeling th
and that’s athat’s all ai can do


and i know its true
how would you feel if you know


how would i feel if i knew i
how would i feel if i kenw

how would i feel if i knew h

would i feel if i knew if i kenw if i

if i knowe

i know howu
would i feel if i knew she loved me


its only ever me
that’s it

that’s it that’s it
its so eay
its only

me and i know im god

easy to remember im god
and whatever happnes happens

i love that i get to drive i lovet
aht i

i get to know i get to celebrate i

so grateful for the perspctive

for the help into the voex
so gratefl for the hlpe and t

that everything is i my favor
so graeufl i know loi
life is in my favor so

graeufl i nwo
tomorrow is my day
so grateufl
to do me
and feel good and get my work done and have a fun and flowing

so grateful to get it done so easy
so grateful for the flow flowing

for condifent
for the fow

to have fun doing it to love it
to be gratefl for the chance to do it
to feel

good doing it to get to do me
to get to do me to love

to choose love and know
know that life follows to
choose love and then life follows

and kno its that easy

i allwo life to flow through me
i allow love to flow

to and through me

i allo
i kow i

i choose i remember its me i

remember its me i choose my power
i choose th epower the poer

of knwoi g

knoiwng god is always on my se

my side life is always on my side

happnes and then i dont need any one thing
i knwo that god is always on my side

and i dnot ha

whatever happens is
in my favor i loe hat i know this and life
helps me focus i love that
life helps me i know that life helps me

i knwo that life

helps me i know that

life is always helping me
life is

always in my favor life love sme
and i get to deice how i see it
how i look ati ti get to decide how i see it