leave the mirror and change your face

grateful to get to do this work today
the god work the feeling god work the celebrating life work so gratefu t
to get to celebrate life today so gratefl to feel good today
to get to enjoy the day
so grateful i am

sitting on the porch reading
i am at ease in my life i do trust the flow of well being i trust thef low
of well being i trust the flow of life

grateful ig et to feel the feeling of the flow
the feeling of waking up feeling good the feeling of wanting to get up
the feeling of loving my life of being at ease in my life

grateful i grateful i get to
grateful i get to feel good

grateful i get to feel good gratefuli
get to feel good get to feel the flow
the flow flowing through me
the certainty of it
today i get to feel the certainty of life
today i get to feel the certainty of life

today i get to feel the certainty of life
the flow of life today i get to feel the god self the creator self
and knowit fully i

today i get to fully embrace the creator self
i get to love the creator self i get to

the creator self i ilove that i get to
i love that i get to feel the magick of life
in every day i love that
i get to feel the magic
of life right here and now i love htat
i know the god self that i am the god self and that

all of life is created from the what i am conscious of being

all of lie is createdf rom what i am consciou s
of beeing

i know this and i love it

i get to choose the feeling and celebrate it
and the feeling is love the feeling is love i get to
choose teh feeling of love and

celebrate it and the feeling of love is what’s there
when you relesae the rest and i love that
i get to feel the feeling of releasing it

that i get to feel the feeling of tuning out
any so called evidence for anything that isnt what i want
and i know the pwer

the power of this practicce i know that ive used it before
and i knw that this is my power i lovee that i know the power
of me
that its all

up to my imagination to what i am ablee to see
for myself
what am i able to see for myself

what do i see myself as how to

how do i conceive myself and i get to conceive myself
as i prefer and i love thtat i know this
that i

not only that but this is my power
releasing all thougths and feeling only love is my only job!!

feeling good is my only job
enjoying life is my only job

enjoying life is my only job
feeling good is my only job
and i love that i knwo this
i love that i know this

today i feel good today i feel confident
today i feel conficnet


today i love my work today i love where i live
today i feel part of something today

i am liked today i am revered

today i am loved and pap

appreciated today i am loved and appreciated

right now i am loved and appreciated right now

i am loved and appreciated and i know that’s all
there is i celebrate knowing that’s all there is sto l

to life knowing that is so

it is so very eay i knot i know that life is easy
and its meant to be this way
i know that life is


easy and is meant to be

love is easy and its meant to be and i get to
feel it right now i get to

release all things false

and love this right now fully love this rught

right now

without fear
and i love that that is my


how i feel is my power
how i see myself is my power how i feel about myself is my power

the version i prefer is my power

my desire is mmy power

my knowledge of this truth is my power

my ability to not look at things that

dont fit the picture of what
i am creating

is my power and i love that i know this i love that i know
it works every time i now that its

it works every time
i know that it works every time

i love that i know thi

i love that i know ti love that i know ti
this i love that i know t

this is the only truth and i celebrate ir!~!


i celebrate who i am
i celebrate what i am and i feel totally confident

in life
i am so confident in life to provide that i know
i never have to get in the way and that life


i am love i am love i am love

i am perfection i am all of life
i am all of life

i am
i jjust am i just am
and that’s all there is

i release i use my faith

my faith is my fortune my
faith is my fortune

so i know that when i desire it
it is and then i get out of the way
celebrating knowing

and i know that this
is my power

i get out of the way
i get out of the way

and my faith is my fortune
i knwo that m

when i want it its done and i never have
to dak

take action because
god is always creating it

the particles are arranging
and they dont have a choice

life is no respector of me

i know this and i choose it i choose
love i choose alignment with god i dhc

i choose knowing and knowing only and life
can’t not reflect it