Leave the mirror and change your face

leave the mirror and change your face
leave the mirror and change your face
leave the mirror and change your face

that’s all i can ever do and i’m
doing it right now i am it right now i’m the loving self right
now i’m the energized self right now
im the successful self right now i’m the
feeling self the
certaint self

i am the certain self right now i am
the certain self right now i am
i am the certain self right now i am
the certain self right now

leave the mirror and change your face
and i know from life experience that’s all i can do i
know form exper

from experience
that i can only change the face
i can’t change what’s reflected in int

i know it’s only ever me the feeling of me
and this work helps me remember that ehlps
me practice it helps me take responsibility

helps me find the tools to deal with those thought
patterns in the future
to lookf or what
what there is instead of what is missing
to look for all there is to be grateful for

to look for only

only for evidence of that which i prefer

so i’m doing it right now
i am it right now i am life right now i am
love right now and th’ats

all it ever is

on or off and i’m on right now
and i’m aware of how i feel and i’m aware of
how life is created and i’m doing my best

i’m here doing the work

remembering that is only ever me and it i think
something is missing is god
i’m doing theowrk feleing teh feeling
and not letting anything get in the way

of the feeling of the flow the
feeling of the flwo

not letting anything et in the way of teh ver
the feeling of the flow

i can do it i can do it
i can break free from negative thought patterns
and i do it all the time

i love that its easy and that i get to do it
that i get to feel the feleing of
coming into alignment with the
version i know to be true and i love that i
get to celebrate it i love tha t
i get to

celebrate knowing this!!

that i can always come back to god i an always
i can alrea

always release it and enjoy life
i can always enjoy life right now

i can always celebrate life right now

i kow that i can do it and i always do i always
have i love that i always have

i love that i get to i love that
i get to i love that i get to feel good i
love that

i get to feel good get to return to god
return to center to

retrun to the truth right
here and now celebrate life right now

here and now feel energized right here and now
an di love that i love tha ti get to
i love tha ti get to

what am i here doing
im here

trying to figure out how to life

how to know what i want how
to live a happy and fuliflled life

and i know how to do that
so im here par
practicing living a happy and fulfilled life

feeling the feeling of jumping
of ignoring the rest andk nowing
only that which i desire to be true and i love that i
get to choose it i love that i
get to choose it i love that

i get to tune out all the rest
i know that is my power and i know i’m so good at it

that’s the thing

i’m so good at it and i know it!!

all i have to do is take the leap into
caring about how i feel taking care of how i feel that ‘s

all that mattes
i can ignore all the rset
and i love that i know that

i get to choose it and its only me its the
and its only me creating always and i always

have the power to align with the desire
with the version that is wanted and the contrast

always helps me focus always hleps me
align with the desire that is bornfrom
from the contrst

leave the mirror and change your face
leave the mirror and change your face

i love that i get to i love that i geto

i love that i get to relax into it

so grateful for the life i have
for the place

for what i’ve carved out in this life
that i get to fel blissful in my life

that i an always relesae the rest and feel the fliss

bliss of this moment
so grateful to celebrate this day

sink into the deep waters of i am
to feel its depth

i am
i am
i am

i just am i am

i am i am i am i just am
and that’s all there is
i just am

and that’s all ther is

i create with the feeling and ic hoose the
feeling i want to feel i know tis
only ever me and i choose teh dfeel
the feeling i nwat to feel i choose the f
i choose it now
and i stick to it
i choose

it now and i stick to it
i choose it now and i stick to it

i am i
i am
i am i am i am

and i am that ia m
and i know thatis

this i am that i am
and i know this i am




leave the mirror and change the face

leave the mirror and change your fafce

and that’s always me itsl

always showing my
me my conception of myself

my consc

conception of my life and that’s
all it can ever show me i know this
i know tis and i love that

that i get to see myself
as i want
knowing that when the deisre
born it is alerayd

already created