let it go

and move on its so easy to just movve on
to just feel good to just have a good day to just be kind
its so eay to just be kind
to just love its so eay to just love

its easy to have a good day its eay to tsrut
the flw to say yes to the unof
unfolding its easy to say yes to the unfolding
its easy to say yes to the

unfoloding its eayt o say yes to the unofldin g
its easy to come hre and do the work and feel the feeling and releae the resat


its easy to not care its eayt ot not care

its easyt ot feel good not its easy to feel good now
i feel good now i feelt he flow flowing now i feel the feeling of yes i f

feel the feeling of yes i feel the
feeling of yes i feel the feeling of yes i feel

the feeling of yes i feel the
feeling of yes fee

i’m here i’m here feeling the feeling of me
and that’s all there is that’s all there is and i can
allow myself to feel t i love
the ins and outs of life i love that
i get to feel good no matter what i love

that i get to feel the god self no matter what
i ilove the
better it gets i love that life is good

i can just pretend it didn’t happen
i cn jus tmove on with my life i can

just enjoy the day i can choose to enjoy the day i can
choose to enjoy the day i get to choose to enjoy the day
i get to choose to enjoy the day

i get to choose the ease and flow oflife i
i get to

to choose the ease and flow of life

i love

i dont have to care id ont have to care
i dont havet o care

i nevr have to care i never havet do dt
to dwell i can just move on i can just

move on i lov that
that i never havet o d

to dwell i love that i never haveet
to care i love that i can release all of that
and just nejoy enjoy life
i lo

i can release i can releaes i can let it go i know nothing matters
i know nothing metters

i just feel blah now its the eat

i can have a good day i can have a
good day i get to have a good day i get to havve a good
day i get to have

i get to allow i get to enjoy
in myself i get to in joy in myself
i get to choose it for me i can releae the rest i

get to chooe joy for me
bliss for no reason i can always choose bliss for no reason

i can a walys choose allowing i can alwaosy choose god
i can

always choose god i can always choose god i can

always choose god

i can have good day i can find the seed of enjoyment
i can feel good i can look for what i want to see i can

look for what i want to see i can allow the
flow i can allow the flow i can

allow the flow i can feel good about myself no matter what
i can feel good

i allow the god feeling to flow through me
the god knwoing i allow the god knwoing to flow through me
i allow the good

the god feeling to flow through me
i allow the

god feeling to flow through me i allow life
to flow ia llow the feeling to flow i

allow the feeling to flow i all

i allow the feelin g
i allow the god self i allow the god self i

i feel for the feeling inside of me
that isn’t dependant on anything
i feel for the feeling inside me i feel for the feeling of knowing inside of me

the feeling that is always there i feel for the
feeling is th

that is always there i feel for the feeling that is alawys there

i can always feel fliss
bliss no matter what i can always allow gods bliss to wash over
me and i don thve to care

about anything i dont have to care i do

i dont have to care abut anything
i don thave to ccare about anything

i dont have to care about anything
i dont have to care about anything