try again

i feel depressed i feel sad i was doing well
i as doing so well i was doing so well

does the whole sa
day have to be ruined by one moment
why cant i come back from
it even now why cant i come back from it

why is

i dont know where to sratr
start but i want to fnish

i want to finsih and god ot be
to go
bed why am i here ce
becuase im sad becuase im say

sad becuase im dayd

i can’t let myself i can’t let myself
start looking to her i can’t
let myself

i have to stop shurt
shut it down now i ahve to turn the boat right now
its esyt to

to turn the boat right now

its easy to turn the boat right now

easyt o be on the bus right now its easy t
to decide and that’s the only work

its my fault for
allowing myself to be so easily

distracted from my focus from
my sourcce from choosing wat i prefer its esayt

remember what i prefer and life hlps me see that
i know that is mre
more hav
fun to have tun and that’s
there sno reason to be mad

thank you thank you
thank you

i have to remember

if i want to feel good i have to remembe wha i nkow
i know that i have
i don thave to hold on to ann

anything that
and that iam the source of the
feelng i seek i know i am the source of the
feeling i seek i know i

i am aware i am aware that i get to chooe
that i get to choose that
i getto choose

i’m not going to let myself look
at what isn’t real

i refuse to suffer i f
refuse to feel bad i can

i dont have any reason to and i know it i can allow myself
to feel good now i can trun the turn the boat and that

is the owrk tha is the only work thru
turning the boatt and the more i practice the
better it get its easy t
of eel the feeling i prefer to act how i wa

how i prefer its easy to notice its esayt no
to notice how if eela nd and how iwant to feel
and act accordingly

its easy to be kind
its easier to be kind
its in mmy favor to be kind
its in my favor to

let down the wall

i dont need aything i dont ne
eed need na
anything or anyone i don tneed an

anything or anyone
i know ive come so far

i know htat ive come so far and i an
can retrun with fistfulls of jwerels
i can

i get to decide to enjoy the day

i prefer to feel good i
can choose to feel good right now all i can
do is choose to feel good now

all i can do is watch and learn all i can do is watch and lear


all i ccan do is allow i all i can do is
watch andl earn all i can do is
watch and learn

all i can do is releae i
all i an
can do is be present and trust evverything that is

i know the power of me i know the pwer
the po

i know i can just float i can just flowat
and allow i all
i can do is realdse

all i can do is refuse to suffer
all i can do is

refuse to suffer all i can do is refuse to suffer

i just wnat to know how i can
get better how i can be better how

why does every little thing set me off

why do i get to
so mad so gr
frustrated why and
then i can’ come back from it

i hte myself for it i hate who iam
i hate
myself i hate who iam
i a
hate that i’mlike this and i truty
try and try and i can’t chagne

try again try again
i dont want to try again
i just want to sele

sleep and be left alone
to wallow and feel sorry for myself ad hate myself

i’m disappointed i’m disappointed in myself
for being mean for being such a horrible person
for not being to not be mean
for ruiningi everyonese day for me


i want to feel better but i cant i
i want to feel better i
want to have a good day tomorrow i wnat to feel good i wnat to laugh i wna t
to e happy i nwa tto lifek

to like myself to liek my life

i want to be happy i want to be ahppy

its easy to just not htinkg
about it its easyt to just not hink
bout anything and

allow lfe
to unofld its eay to allow life to unfold
its eay to know that

its never not the feeling i can
just get out of the ay
its easy not o care to ite s

easy to not look at it an alow it
ist easy to allow myself to change its eay
to allow myself ot hcang its
easyt o allow myself graceits ea

to allow myself to feel its easy to just trut and

i cna fein d

i know the seed is alwasy ther inside of me

the truth is always right here waiting
for me the truth is always right here and

i can keep pretnetine dall
all i want but its alwaya the

smae sn

answer and its easy to flip the swtich
tis ea

eayt ot enjoy life and
i always regret not i always regret being mad
and i never regret having a good day

i know im learning i now im getting better
i know i can show myself grace i can choose to love myself
i have to choosee to love myself

i have to be myself first i have to
be myself frist
i now

i have to remember im the soruce
im the sourcce im the sour e

and theres nothing outsideo of me

i trust teh flow of life i trust eh flow of life
and i dont look to aything else to fill me up

its only eve me i now
i only need me i dont need anyone else ot fi
to f

to fill me up i trust the folow
flo of life i turst the in and out of life