lets have a good day!

its up to me and no one else
it’s onlyup to me if i enjoy to jump into the day

if i make the chocie to love myself
if i make the choice to love the day to allow the best of life
flow through me

i know that i am the source of all my

r feel

it feesl good to have good day
to allow life to flow throughm e to celebrate me right now

to remember who and what i am
to make the time to direct the
energy of life it feels good to direct the en

energy of life

i can do it i can focus
i can find the laser focus within me it feels good
to find the laser focus within me

it feels good to feel good to feel good
to find the vortex
to celebrate the vortex to celebrate life

flowing through me it feels good
to do the good work it feels good to do the good work
it feels good to do the good work

it feels good to feel good it feels good to feel good

it feels good to feel good it feels good to
feel good tof ocus to focus ot feel to feel the life

flowing through me it feels good to feel the life flowing through me
it feels good to feel good

i can do it i can do it i can do it
i can do it i can do it

i know that today can be a good day

i can choose to have a good day i can choose the flow

i can do it i can do it i can do it
i am the source i am the source
i am tuned in tapped in turned on and it feels good to
feel good i love doing the work i love feeling good i love
feeling the flow i love feeling the flow i love feeling the flow

i love feeling the energy of life flowing through me i love

i love doing the work i love doing the work i love
doing the work i love doing the work i love doing the work
i love feeling

the flow i love feeling the flow i love feeling the
flow i love feeling the flow

i love feeling good i love feeling good i love that
i don’t have to care i dont have to care i dont have to care i dont have to care

i don’t have to care i do not have to care i do not
have to care i do not have to care i do not have to care