and the only thing that would make
it not is my thoughts and i know that
it’s where my focus is that’s making me feel
but i know that when i focus on what really
matters when i take care of me first
when i take care of me first instead of others first
then the rest falls into place
and my only real job is to feel good the most important thing
is to feel good so i make
it’s only me inventing a false narrative
feeling exhausted bysomething false
but i know my onlly job is to feel good to coem
back to center
to feel good first my only job is to feel good first
my only job is to feel good first feel
good first feel good first feel good first feel good
first feel first
its only me i dont have to make more trouble for
myself i don’t have to make more trouble
more work for myself i can just atke the
take the path of least resistance
i can just bow out and us my
my creative energy for myself
just get the work done
just get the work done just
do the work just take the path of leas tres
take the pasth o
path of lease resistance
it feels good to come
back th
here and remember the rguth
remem er
what my real job is wnat what i and what i really
care about what i care about is enjoying my life
what i care about is feeling good what i
care about is
savoring each moment
i want to have a good attitude
i want to feel grateful
glad to do it i want to feel grateful to do it
i want to feel excited to do it i want to feel
excited to do it i want to feel
energized to feel the enegy
of life flowing through me
i know i got this i know the answeres are all
always there i know i can just make space for life
to flow through and it wil
and this work helps me get out of the
the way
remember what i really know remember love is
the anser
to remember to approach everything from love
to love other
and myself and that approad
approach is always easier and always
feel better it wal4et t
always feels like relief it wal
always feels like relief
it always feels
it always feels like relief it always
i can always choose t ocele
to celebrate
that i get the opportunity
i get to choose to say thank you to act
with love for eveything
especially myself
i get to love myself too i g
get to love myself too i get to love myself too
its always ok and it always comes back around
it feels good to feel good to learn
what works tomake
to feel closer and close to my
true self
to remember what
matters to remember what matters
it feels good to remember what matters
it feels good to remember that i create
no matter what
its’ me i create it
i create it or a
i allow it by trusting it
i tr
creatED it
i alrady
i already created
it through life experience
ad now
i canrelax into it and trust it
i trust
the energy i grust
trust the moon and i let go
of ever trying to work against it
i trust my intuition
i et
trust the energy of life and i embrace and celebrate it
i embrace my best self i embrace the in and out
solutions i
i am not a body
i am not a
an employee
a contractor
anyone who needth
worry about the whims
i am god
and i act accordingly
i do what serves me
in each moment
and i never ever question
what the energy of life
leads me to
i allow it and i embrace it
say yes to it when its there
its there and i say yes to it
i welcome the
i embrace everything that is and
through that i feel energized
i do me first i do the work
for me first
i tune into the god self
i allow myself to not
do it
and i’m learning ever
over and over
i’m seeing over and over
about the shoulds
feeling the weight of the shoulds
i dont HAVE to DO anything
and it feels good to ocme to come here to remembe that
i don’t have to allow anything to weigh on me
i don’t hve to
i don’t have to explain
i can just trust that life is unfolding perfectly for me
i can always trust
that life is
unfolding perfectly and i t feels good to
jump into the knowledge
to give myself the space to do whatever
feels best and know that
whatever comes is what comes
its only ever me and i can relax
its only ever me and i can relax
into my own personhood
i cna separate myself
i can make c
and i can feel the fullness of slef
i ccan feel gratitude
i can feel a lust for life
i am so grateful for all that life
ahs a
has ffor
is giving me constantly i’m so gratful for this
day i’m so grateful to
for the gifts bestowed upon me
i’m so grateful to connect and know that
my only job is connection with spirit
with the god self
the rest just follows and i know that i can
feel my way through everything i can celebrate the day
and allow myself to feel good
to celebrate allthat
that i have that is good and turn my vibration
toward the
magick life toward positive expectatin
toward celebrateing
and enjoying a lust for life
toward having a really good day
toward taking responsibility
for how i feel
and that’s what i’m doing i ‘m h
taking responsibility for ho wi feel and i’m
doing something about it
because i care about how i feel
i know it creates my reality
i know what i look for i see and i take responsbility for that
i celebrate the oppoortu
opportunity to receive the gifts bestwowed
upo me all day every day
and i celebrate the asking and
i celebrate all the good in my life
i say thank you i say thank you because i want to
becuase i want to feel good
want to feel gratitude
would prefer to feel gratitude
am allowing