life always shows me

life always sets me free
i love that i dont care i love that i really dont care i love that

i havvee the god self

when i am awre of the god self
wtihin me as my total fulillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am totally fulfilled
i knwo nothing outside of me attera
matters i know all there is is teh god self
and nothing esle matters i lknow thsi


onlyi get to choose and life shows me that
when i satrt to care

im wa

away from god i get ot do
choose ig et to chosot o have fn
and dne

enjou life no matter what i get to choose
to have f
an dfun
and enoy lfie no matter what

i get to feel good i get to love
for the sake of love i get to find
find center

i get to releaes the reast
i get to put space m
betweenwhat i am
and the rest i know

tis up to me to have a good day its to me
to ccelebrate life
is up to me
to feel for god in every moment

thatas all there is

the god sell
self in every oment the loveing

i cn be the loving srlf im not afraid to be the loving sel f
i know

i can allow it i can allow love i can al
allow love to flow through my life
i don thave to protect myself
i get to choose love i get to choose the
ease and flow

i feel it now i feel the feeling now i feel
the flove love now i get

fele lo
feel god slove lnow i feel gods love now

i feel god love now i feel gods love
now and i nkow that i am the soruce i love
that i never have to

miss anything becuast here snothing mi

missing i love that thee
theres nothing mssing i love that

that i nkow there snothing missing i love that
i ma the mate

master of how i feel i loe that i nwot his
i love that i know hn
nothing else mattes i nko
i love that i now m poer
is let
letting nothing get to me

life is me life is me and i love
that i nkow i love that i get to choose loe

becaue i am one who i
love i nkwo i that i am the one who
is too powerful i know that i am
the one

i knwo tis mits up to me
to now
to not ccare i know its up to m
to not care

i know that is to uits up to me
to not care its up to me
to not care

its i kno i love that i nkow tis n
upt o m e

to i mei love tha ti knwo i love tha ti nkow the
secret of me i love that i nkow

the power of me i ilove

its only

ever this work its only eve this
this wrok tiis not

its not outside of e i lovee that
its not our

outside of me i love that its no

entire focus on the god within

entire ofcus focus on the god withi
and thats all there is

the god version the god flow the god feeling
te g
the god feeling thefe
the feeling of me the feeling of me the

the feeling of the real m

the real me not the fake me the real me
and drop the reast that

that’s wht i want o wai i want to g through my life with love
want ot feel a alust for life iw atn to feel lust for life
i want to to feel lust for life i love tha t
i get to ti
i love that i get to i lo eht a
i love

its me its me its the power of me i know
the never ending power of me
i nko wthe never

ending power of me i love that i nkow it i li love that i now
ti i love that i now ti i love that
i now ti

its me i am the only driving force in my life
and i love

that i get to choose love i now that i get to choose
love i ge tto choose love

i get to feel good i get to feel teh
celebration of life

i allow i releae i relae and allow utnil life
flows throu

its me its me
its only me its only

my ro

proximity to god i h
keep my mind and thoughs

off this world and plce my entire
focus on the god within as the only cuse of my

i acknowledge the inner presence as the only
activity in my affairs

its only me and this is
the only work theres is n’t any other work

this is the only work

i love having good ideas i love working with the vi

wife i love having fun i love geting to feel good
i love getting to feel good i love that
i get to feel the flow

i love that i get to feel the god self
its all the god sle fi love that i nkow the
god self i nkow that the

the only work is the god self i know hat the
the onlyw ork is the god sel f

thank you thank you

i know this is the only work
if when i do this wor the th

rest follows

i love feeling fulfilled in my lfie i love that
god flows through me i love that
i ge tto la

allow it i love that i get to allow it i love

tha i get to allw

allow it

i know this is the only work
i know this is the only work

and thats ok i do this work and ntohig eles

mattes i love that i now the
that i releaes the rest and
reveal the god self i focus on the god self
and thats’ all there is