just w
switch the energy and i now that
switch the versoin the vversion
i nkow the feeling of life i now the
the feeling of knowing
i know the feeling of knowing and i know that lfie aca
can only reflect the feeling i know that life can
only reflect the feeling of me
the feleing of me
the feeling of me the
feleing of me the feleing of me
i never have to wonder
becuase its not sou
outside of me it so
it doesnt matter becauase its not sout
outside of me all of life is here with me
her ein
inside of me all of ife lis here iwth me
here insi
inside of me
all of life is me and th rest doest matere i know i love that i now this i love that i now this
i feel the feelign nwo i feel the feelign now
if your sufffering youre seeking
i love hat i nko wths i now
i love that i know this i lov ethat ther snothing to m iss
because i am the soruce i love
that i am the source i love
that i now that tha feeling is ahta i seek that feeling is what i think is missing
and is right here
the thing i think is missing is right here
the thing i think
is missing is right here
the thing i thnk is missing is
right n
here the thing i knothi is missing
is right
i love that i know this i love that
i get to love life i love that i nkow life
is unfolding in
favor i love that i am focus i love
i l
i love that i know ntohign selse mattes
nothing esle mattes
i am certian i am knowing i am certain i am knowing
and i celebrate the powerr of me i remembe the power of me
i say
thank you for the power of em to
for the
power of refusing to suffer
its me its me its me and all it atk
takes is focus to rmemer
its all about when i focus
where am i focus where iam focus
what do i believe what do i belive
believe what do i believe what iam
am i looking to to be my sorce
and i love that i get to choose to allow life
to flow through m
i am allowing life ia m allowing th best of life right now
i ceelbrate life right now
i celebate teh tim time and space to dod thw ork i celebrat life
i celebrate life i
celebrate life
i dont have o expalin myself
and the past doest exist
i dont hae to deend myself
i can fogive myself and move on
deeply accept everything that is
and i can try to change e
i deeply accept everything that is
i allow all of god to flow through me i alllwo
the best versio to exist i l
allow love to flow
i renounce my humanhood i remn
renounce my humanhood and i love that life shows me
how i knwo its me
its all where my practicced thought its
its all whre i decide to put my thought
hoa i deicd
decide to practicce or not i know tis
the devotion
i knots it only eve the deoiton
i know its me i now tis the feeling of me
and i love that lffe teaches me do i can
use the cla
alchemy so graetfl the contrast ehlps me
focus so gaeufl i now i
ai m the only one and only sourceo me
i can
i get trust what happens ig et to get get out of the
i get to see the efe
effects of not practicing now
im looking outside of me for a feeling
looking to omon
someone else to give me wha is only
within me that i can only find with me
i love that i get
its me i love that i ge tto
send the feeling of life
love no mater what
its so easy to feel it now and thas a
all there is its so easy to feel it now
i p
i keep my midn and thougths off this wr
world and place m entire focus on the god within
ast eho nly cause of my proserpty
i know its i know its the devotion to the feeling
i kno
and i nkow that is not its not o
outside of me i et to good
choose love i get to choose devotion and i nkow that life
refelcts the devotion
i know that life
the devotion
i have the devotion i have the devotion
i have the
devotoin and athats all there is thats all
there is not
its never outsiide of me
ouside of m reflects inside ofme and
im so
gratefult o
for the time and psce to sprpe
remember the devotion
and that th
the devotion is the only work
i know this this
feeling is the only work its the divir
driving force of all of life and if i
do nothing be f
but feel tof
for this feeling i will be doing
the only thing i can do i
i not he only thing that i can d
and its feel the
the total knowing that ita lrayd
is the total knowing that it alredy is
and i
i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and i know that is the only work
i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and i nkow that is the only work
i know i got caught up in the physical
experience for a moment but that sok
i deeply accept ita s part of my life
experience i keep
deeply accept everything i feel the
loe right now of god flowing through m
me i get to feel the love right now
i get to feel the loe fith
right now