lift up my mind and heart

i don’t have to care and i know
caring is a choice
but i feel almost obligated to feel bad

i messed up so i should feel bad
but what does feeling bad do


and i love that i can choose
to feel gratitude instead i love that i get to feel
good instead and i know that

is all that matters

is how i feel i love that i
feel good today that the momentum

is gathering i love

that there’s always more than enough i love
that i can choose the other side of the wave

i can always choose the other side of the wave

i love the better it gers

i love that i can lift my mind
and my heart above the muck

above the resistance

to be aware
to understand and to know t
hat the

that the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good

i lift up my mind and heart
i lift up my mind and heart

i love that it’s all working out i love that i am
a match now

i love that i get to know i love that ti’s
all working out i love that life
is working out and i can just say

and thank you


what other choice do i have
i love that i am a match to the flow i am a match to the flow
flowing through me
i am a match to love i am a match to love i am

a match to love i love that i am

a match to love to loving myself and
feeling good and feeling bad is just a choice

i can trus that

trust that all the threads are coming together

i can trust the flow

i love that i know that life
loves me i love that there is so much to love
i love that life loves me i love

that there

is so much to love i love
that life

feels good

i love that i get to feel good
that the enregy

energy that i feel within me
that is resistance

i can transmute to love
and gratitude

and that is my choice
i love the better it gets i liove the
better it gets i love

that the momentum is gathering
i love that i am aware to
enough to know that
i don’t really ccare

i am just pretending to care
because i’m afraid of what someone
else might thing of me

but i can lift up my mind and
heart to be aware
to understand and to know that the divine
presence i am

is the source and substance

of all my good i love that i know this
i love that i know this
i love that

llife is g

good i love that life is good i love that i
get to feel good now i love that

i get to feel good now i love that
i get to feel good
now i lift up my mind and heart

i love waking up feeling good i love trusting the flow i love

trusting the flow to flow through me

i love doing this work i love f
eeling good i love that it’s all working out i love
that the furniture looks good!!

i love that it’s all working out i love that out life

our place is coming together i love that
ti’s fun i love that life
is fun i love that i know life
loves me i love that life
i sgoo is good i love that
life i sgoo
is good i love wher ei am right now

i love our wagon
i love thatl ife i s

is good i love that

life is good i lovet hat
life is good i love that i know life
loves me i love tha t
i am

able to choos how i want to feel i love that
today is amazingly awesome i love fe

doing the work and feeling tuned in tapped in turned on

close enough to god to
not allow anything to tear me away from it

busted that furniture apart!!!!

i love my life i love that life
is good i love tha t


i love that there is so much to love!!

i love that i can breathe i love letting
the rest go i love that ntohing
can get to me
nothing cn

can tear me away from my vortex

away from my

focus i love that i know life is eays
and it’s meant to be that way i love
taht life

is good

i lovet hat now i am a match
and i resonate
with that knowing

i choose gratitude
because i am a match
i choose gratidude
i choose


i love that there is aso m
so much to love i love that
life is good i love that
life is good i lov

i love that everything
always works out perfectly for me

and i am allowing it
i am allowing life to flow
perfectly through m e

and i get to choose i get to choose
i love that

life is flowing perfectly through me

and i get to choose i love
i l

i love doing this work and feeling
tuend d

tuned in tapped in turned on i love

having a really good day i love
flowing the whole day

having a ton to do but enjoying it

ovoing it

loving my liife i love

feeling good in my life
hitting my stride

i love that there is always
more than enough!!!

i love that

loves me so much i love that

life is good i love that

life is good!!

i love the power
of the flow i love the

power of god i lo

i love that i know



i love that iknow i love
that i know attention creates

that it’s only


the divine presence I AM
is the source and substance of all my good

it’s all flowing to me!!!!