look all around you and try to find the blissful

and when i do it my mind tries to say no!

why doesn’t my mind want to do the thing tat i know helps me ??

afraid of vulnerability
of admiting the past self was wrong?

i’m looking for the blissful
for evidence i know that seh loves me but yet
my mind wont let me feel the alignment with that truth?


why am i so adament about it not being true?
becuase i dont want to let it because i think i dont deserve it?

becuase im protecting myself?

afraid fo agetting what i want??

i know its true i know its treu i know its ture
i know the one aodn ly only truth i know the one aodn l
only truth and i know its up to me to feel it and not look
side of me for evidence

i can feel the boat turning i can feelt he
boat of awareness turning

look all around and try to find the blissful

today im looking for the blissful
and then i heaer my mind say i cant look for the blissful
there i can feel bliss there
because there is always something missing and that’s true
becuae i believe there is soemthing missing
becuase i believe it becuase i f

believe thre is osmething missing i know that is by


but i knwo i can break through
i always doi i know i can break through i lways do i always come

with fiistfulls of jewels
with fistulls of jewerels

i am looking for the feeling of lb
bliss ia m allowing myself to be

feel bliss to
let the ego out of the way
to feel the emptiness of the

sliencing the inner chatter
im feeling for bliss i m
looking for the blissful today
today im looitn gof rhte blissful

i love that i know i can do it that
i know the power of me that i get to feel the feeling
of feeling teh power of me that i can feel it comeing
that the information is

also a reflection of mh match to it
that i nkow the one aodn only truth that i now the one and o
and onlly truth

is emptiness i know teh one aodn only truth
is emptiness
an this is all there is when i am
empty i am the source i am my complete self

look for the blissful and that’s all i have to do
and i know it and i nkow its
and its so eay tand im alreayd doing it and its s
so easy its so easy its so esay

i get to look fro the
the beautiful

i love

look for the beautiful look for the beautiful
look for the flow of well being feel for
the flow
of well being feel for whats working i

i can always
feel for what’s works i

i can feel the feeling i ant to feel
i love haing
hanging out in the morning
i love


heartfelt hugs
i love group hugs
i love i love yous i lovve
my beautiful girls

i love feeling confident i love
having bde

i love being my own sourcce i love when im my
own source i love
feeling totally confident

today i am on the lookout for bliss
i love hwen i

alight on the feling i prefer
on something i prefer i can create something new it doesn’t have to be that

i can create somthing
soemthing new

it wasn’t the act it was the feeling but the ct follows

right away i know ima creating it and
whne i am
i decide what i wnat its already there

emptiness is all there is i nkow i nko i love that tis working
already its working already its working already

looking for the blissful
and filling my whole existence with
it and taht’sa ll i can ever do and i nkow
i cn get thei know preactice
gets m ther e

and i nkwot hat’s theo nly work the feeling
of having i
is the work the feeling i prefer is the work the feeling is the
work the feeling is the only

work the feeling is the only work looking for way

to feel good is the only work

i’m looking for the blissful

i turned my mind from
negative to positive

its alawys in relation to her bot
to her s
to someto

im feeling the bliss i allow myself to feel i allow myself
to feel the bliss to celebrate the day
feeling bliss

to allow the emptiness to be evverything
i allow the emptiness to be everything i allow myse
to be free fro from

from the future i allow myself to know my power i allow myself to rememberin my power i allow myself
to remember my power ia llo

to my
remember my powre to remember my power to rm

remember im the soruce thats
the other peorson

that helps me drop it
i now this i nkow this
its teh

already haveing the feeling of satisfaction
and not needing it otside of me
of being totaly empty

and totallyfu


i am

the divine presence
i am

the divine presence i am

divine presence i am

and i love that i get to feel it that it never leaves me
that i get to feel it that i get to

catch a wind thank you for the neeryg
thank you

for the
energy to
thank you for the god self for the godl d

god self

i love being inclued i love that
she mad the time
i liove laughing and loving

i love lov

laughing and loving and enjoying life i love
enjoying myself

i love enjoying myself i love feeling empty
of all ego
just being with no separate i

i love

feeling totally confidnet
in the