my wishes are coming true as i wish them

and i know it’s as a
direct result of the feeling
the vibration the

energy that i am
and the energy that i am
makes up my world and i know that
extends to the far reaches of the


it affects everything
not just what i see in front of my face but

as far as
other people’s lives

because i know that i am
the one creating them
and that they

are only an outpicturing of me
and i can decide to look for something new
i can admit

that i am the one
that created that i am
creating that and i can choose
i can choose to

create something

new to decide to
discern to

prefer something new

all i can do is make the choice

all i can do is make the choice make the choice make the choice
make the choice

to decide
to discern
to prefer

something new and i love
that it’s working

and i love that i know the work
always works and i love

that life just keep shwoing me
that over and over

i am brave enough
i am brave enough i am
brave enough to look for what
i want to see i am
brave enough to look for
what i want to see i am

brave enough

i’m not afraid
i’m brave enough to look for
what i want to see and admit
that life

is just showing me
life is just showing me


i know that and i know that ti’s

easy to change the make up of my vibration
its a simple as a switch in perspective

i love that i am
aware enough to realize my power

i am aware enough to
realize my power and to know that
the power lies

within me i love that i am
feeling the power of me i love that
i am feeling certain
of the pwoer of

of me i love that i am
seeing everywhere

evidence of the undeniable
power of me and evidence that
life is just a reflection i love

i know that it
can only be a match to
me and i’m not afraid to
say yes thank you to the

signs the
gifts from the universe

i’m not afraid to say yes
thnk you

not afraid to say yes
thank you

for the gifts from the
universe and know that

the whole world

not just whati
see in front of my face

is affected by my
creations and that iam

the only one creating my life
because i am the only

experiencing it
and i am experiencing
the power of me and it’s

very profourd
very profound

that the world
can so quickly change according
to my expectations
and i know that life

life is

reflecting me
on a massive scale

i know i’ve created hurricanes
and ;i know
i know te power
the power of my intention
can heal

and it can heal relationships too
and i know all that ever matters

is how i feel i know that all
that ever matters

is how i feel my expectations of
life and the energy i send toward it and i klove
that the work helps me


realize this i loe that
i can feel calm in knowing
that life is going
to happen either way and i love
that i am feeling

i love that it’s working
i love that it’s working i love
that i am doing the work and
letting go and i no

i know that when i change
the energy the things
around me change i know this
for a fact and i kno th

i know that everything
in life is just an outpicturing of
me so i can

take full responsibility
for all the events in my life
and that

sets me free because i don’t have to

blame anymore i can take responsibility
for creating that and i can
take responsibility for

creating something new

it feels good to do the work and know
the work always works it feels good to do the
work and know the work

the work always works and it’s
up to me to decide within myself to

the version i prefer

don’t like what you see?
choose something else and i know
it really is that
easy that is all there is to it

and there’s nothing i can do
to make anything happen all i can do is
ask and allow ask and allow and know

that i’m allowed to feel good
to look for the best i’m allowed to look
for the best and i know it’s all me

and i know

i can


i can heal my life
and i love that i get to do the work
i love that i can

feel the feeling i love that iknow it’s
only me and i love that i am

transmuting the energy i love
that the energy is strong and with
the power of transmutation

i can change my world
i can change my world
and i now it’s only ever

my world
and that attention creates

so right now
i am grateful i am grateful for good news
and signs of improvement

i am looking for signs of
improvement i am looking for signs of

and that’s all that matters
just look for what you want to see

just look for what you want to see
just look
for what you want to see

just look for what you want to
see and you will see iti can

i can

face my life ican

can say yes to
getting what i want
and not push it away

i don’t hae to
have to push life away

and i know this
i know that life

is me and every day is a gift
every day is something to be grateful
for and i know for a fact that
through transmuting

my energy

i can heal the world