never have to worry or wonder

i don’t have to think about
how to get money
because money is not my supply
and i know this for a fact i know that the
god within is my supply

the divine presence i am is the source
and substance of all my good
i know this

frist i become it then i see it
i believe in our utmost success
i believe in the best for us
i believe in the best

i am here now i know the god within
and that is all i ever need i know that all i
ever need is the knowledge of the god within
it’s not about how to


it’s about how to know that i am
god and whatever i look for
whatever i look for i see i love

i know this i know the secret to life and i
get to choose to feel good i get to choose
to feel wealthy right now
because god is lavish
and unfailing
i know it’s me i know it’s a feeling and
it’s a matter of emitting that feeling
and today i

emit the feeling
of total fulfillment
of knowing i am

unfailing abundance

i love that today i get to celebrate this knowing
and i get to let go of striving
or thinking
i con’t have

don’g have

don’t have enough i can
let go of the concept of lack
i know there is no such thing as lack
and today i am excited to do
the work

the only work that matters
and that’s feeling how i want to feel

right now
i know this is the only answer
i nkow this is all there is

this is the only thing
i can ever do is feel how iw atn to f

to feel right now
and it always alawys always


reflecgs the
feeling life always reflects the knowledge

i know this

if i need somehting
i can always find it within

so grateful for this day
for the chance to do the work
to connect to know

to believe and to know
i now that
i know that i can get to that place
that i am already here

i know it’s all a feeling
it’s all a belief i

look for what i want to see
i feel how iw atn to
want to feel i say the mantra as if i
believe it

i know this is my only work and i
celebrate that knowledge i know that
it always always always reflects me

i love that i know this
i love that life

always refelcts how i feel i know that
this is a science and i don’t have to waste any
energy feeling bad

or wondering where it’s going to come from
i love that we are wildly successful in cle!!

i ilove that we got a new sub!!

and mad good compliments!!

i love feeling good in my body
i love feeling the flow i love making good work
i love eating good food

i love that i know life
loves me i love that
i know life

loves me i love doing this work
i love

lifting up my mind and heart
above the muck

the misunderstanding
that there is some kind of lack

it feels good to break through

the armor around my soul and really truly feel good!!

to feel my heart sing!!

today i am allowing my heart to sing
and feeling good for no reason
and when i hear
the voice and my head say

but wher’e my

where’s my stuff

or how is it going to come
i say it’s all right here and it already came

i love that i knwo this i love that
i already have everything i need i love that
i already have

everything i need and i get to make the choice
to feel the feeling know


to feel the knowing now

yes it has already occurred
it has already occured
today i act as if today

it has already occured

and it really has!!

i am already a successful working artist

i am already a successful working artist
i love that i get to act
as if i love
getting to do this work i love that
i know this

is the only work i know this is the only work
i love feeling elevated i love jumping into the day
like it will be the best day

i know something amazingly awesome is going to happen
to me today!!

today i am laser focused
on the mantra and that is all
that is all i can focus on
all i can focus on is the mantra
and the numbers and get out of the way

and i don’t need anything to change
i am happy with my life as it is right now

grateful for the transition

grateufl for t
the chance to do my own work
to buckel down

buckle down

grateful the flow is always flowing
grateful i am a money magnet

i love this sawee

awesome day and i love the feeling of god
flowing to and through me i love this day
and i love that feeling of god

flowing to and through me i love
feeling the feeling and whenver

if i start to doubt
i can always come back to center and
remember it already is
the way i want it to be

i keep wanting

some kind of windfall
but then block it because
i don’t believe in it

or i don’t know how it will come
or i’m afraid of how it will come

or i think it means i have to do
something id on’t

i don’t want to do

but it doesn’t!!

the wind is always falling and i know
this and i get to celebrate this knowledge

the wind is


falling and i know this
and it is always coming in th way

the best possible way for me right now

i love subs!!

i love wholesale accounts!!

i love the school makingm on

i know that i am

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality
of me

everything i ever wanted is
flowing directly to me

and i say yes!!!