only the contrast helps me focus

can help me remember who i really am
can help me remember who i really am
to remember that my only job
is to not care and the contrast gives

me the space to realize to just say thank you
and le thte the rest go and i’m so gratefl for how

far i’ve come im’m
i’m so grateful i can breathe freely
that i am free so grateful to feel free in this
here and now and let the
rest go

i love giving up i’ve given up i love that
i now it i know it can only reflect me and
every day i can only

refelct me
reflect me
everything is me
i know everything is me

it feels good to know so
to say than kyou to the contrast it
feels good to remembe to
say thank you to hthe
the contrast and trust the here adn
and now it feels good to trust the
here and now

only the contrast helps me focus
focus on the version i prefer and know that i can
say thank you i can say thank you i can

thank you ican

i can say thank you to the contrast that helps me
the contrat hel

helps me really know what i know

and that helps me

i’m ready

i’m ready to enter a new phase of my life

a loving phase
a calm phase

a relaxed phase

i know i can love i know i can
feel optimistic

and optimistic

phase that
lasts forever that


i know i can breathe i can

breathe freely i can allow myself
to float above to flow abou

float above the things i put in my day

way my way and allow myself to
be free from them forever

and it has to do with not cating
not caring what my cratin

creations think of me
i know it was only
ever me and i don’t have

to care what

they thing about
think about me

i love that i know this is the only
work i love that i know i can

get out of my own way i love that i know
i don’t have to change

i know tha ti i already am god
i know that i can
choose not to care
i know i don’t have to change
i get to choose not to care
i get tochoose

choose now to
not to carei know
i know the secret to life and
can realx
relax in the knowledge

i am in a place

of letting go i am in a place of letting it all go
and asking myself

why do you even care i lo
and i love that i can lifet u
lift up my mind and heart above the

i love doing this work i love that i ge tto
to do this work the only work
that i can allow myself to feel empowered by the
work that

i can believe in a new phase
a new era
iu can

i can allow a new era

just as if i am just waking up i can
allow myself to wake from the slumber

i’m not in a slumber

i’m already awake i love the feeling of waking up in the dream
and the more i commune with god the more i

awake i feel i lov
i am brave enough to usher in a new era to

relax into a new era of my life a
i am brave enough to trust and create through my non action

i know the answer

i literally know the answer and i know it’s
love allowing myself to love

allowing myself to receive love i
am allowing myself to see love i know i can
do it i know i can

do it something will click
something can click c

i feel good doing this work
the only work i am brave enough to allow this to be
my only work i am brave enough to

to look for what i want to see i am
brave enough to look for what i want to see to feel how i want to feel
and i know that when i feel it it comes
i know the secret to loveot

to life and i know that only the contrast helps me kn

i know this is the only work i feel the
i feel the connection to god i feel the connection to self
i know it is there and i know my only job is to feel my
way toward it know that god takes care of an

everything and this is the only work that only
thing that cou

i’m ready
i’m so ready

so rady
ready for what

to fully enjoy life to fully trust the moment
to feel the magick of life that i know is there
i’m ready to feel the magick of life

i know this there to feel fully connected to
life i

am ready to eel feel fully connecte dto life to know
to know the magick that i know life is i’m ready to experience the magick of life that i know it s

is there and

and i know i

that i am every day i love

tha t’m always
getting what i want

ready to say i love my life and mean it
i’m redy to
ready i truly love my life i

i truly love my life i truly feel
the feeling of loving my life i truly fee
feel the feeling of l

i can do it i can do i can revive my heart

i can do it i can do it i can
revive my heart and i know
i am willing to admit i’t only
me i am willing to truly love my life
i am willing to

not change

to accept everything
that is

with love i am willing to accept that
everything that is
with love i know it’s easy ti know
i know it’s easy to feel the
feeling i want to feel right now i know

ready to love my life looking or things to
love so grateful
to the wife for coaching for livn
loving me for being kind to me
so grateful for bud
for work for money for clients paying
for mom

so grateful for this here and now
for resolved beefs for a cheap vaca
for a vacation home that all my wishes are coming true

i feel good i feel complete in my life
i feel knowing of the magick energy of me i know

i know the secret to life i know there is no limit
to how good life can be i know it’s
only ever me i know it’s only ever what i look for w

and how i choose to feel the energy i choose to align with
i feel happy i feel the happiness flowing
through and i love that it’s easy to allow the joy to flow thorugh m

through me i love that i can
feel joyful in the here and now

i love that i know i can shed a skin
in the here and now i love that i can do
i can feel the energy flowing i am ready to
take the big leap i take the big leap

i take the big leap into the magick
life and i do
everything based on that knowledge and i know that
i ca

it feels good to truly love my life to truly
feel grateful to truly believe in myself
and the ability of life to provide

it feels good to cnnect
connect with the turht of
truth of life to celebate

celebate the truth of life
in my heart