set the tone

set the stage
take the time to line up the energy it feels good to line
up the energy to make the time to feel good to know
that feeling good is a choice

a practice i know that feeling good is a practice
and it feels good tod o the
to do the work to practice it feels good to practice
feeling good to choose this day to choose the divne

the divine buzz ont his da
on this day and know its me choosing it
it’s not outside of me its my choice and i choose to feel it
i love that i get to choose it that
that i get to know that everything is working out for me that
i get to do the work that i get to do the work
the only work that i get to tune myself that i get to make the

choice to tune myself that i get to make the coihce
the choice to look for what i want to see to feel for
what i want to feel i love that i get to make the choice
to feel for what i want to feel and know that this work
is me it’s all me and it’ss not

not outside of me
if i feel the divine buzz

its thanks to me!!

to the work i’ve done to the
intentions i’ve set
and i love the feeling of loving life of knowing its all working
out for me of celebrating life of celebrating how far i’ve come!!!

and i love that i get to choose i love that i
get to choose how i feel about that i love that i get to choose
how i feel i love that i get to choose not to care
i love that i get to choose to feel good that i get to s

to choose life that i get to sh
to choose the god self i get to choose the god self
and i love that i know this i love that
i get to choose the god self and know that life
is always working itself out i lovee that i know this i lovee
that i get to choose to align with this knowledge

i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish abundance
i am conscious of the constant activity of this mind
of infintie prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled with the light of truth

so grateful to feel good to love my life
to love my family to love this moment

so gratefult o feel the
to feel the divine buzz and know its inside of me
to know that it’s always with me to know i am
god i am god and wha

whatever i want, i can create
i love that i know this that it’s all a feeling that it’s
all a choice that ti’s all a choice i love that
i know that life

is all a choice ilove tt

that i lovee that i know that life is alawy s
a choice the feelig is always a choice how i feel is always
a schoi
a choice

i love tat
that i get to feel good feel good for the sake of feeling good andk now
that life is always on my side god is always on my side i love
that i get to feel good get to feel the
divine buzz right now

get to feel the divine buzz right now
right now right now right now
right now

i love that i get to feel goodno that i get to enoy t
enjoy the day right now that i get to feel t
he feeling of connection to life

that i dont have to wonder that i can just
choose the feeling of yes i love that i can always
choose the feeling of es i yes
i love that i

can always choose the feeling of god

so grateful for this moment
so grateful to feel good now to feel good now
to feel good now to feel good now

to feel good now
and now and now and now

to feel good now so grateful to feel good now

so grateful to feel good about myself to
feel good about who i am to feel good about my life

to trust life 100% to be grateful for all the blessings to
say thank you for all the blessings to say

thank youfor al
for all the blessings it feels good tos ay

thank youfor all the blessings to feel good now to feel good now to feel
good now and grateful to

love myself to respect myself and my time

to feel good aboutl ife
to trust the feeling no matter what

it feels good to trust the feelig
no mater what
matter what to trust the feeling no matter what

to trust what feels good

grateful to be a cooperative component
gratefult o feel
to feel gratefult o remember

to remember that life is always working in my faovr
and i wanted this so gratefl to feel the
slip away and just feel the god self

just the god self remains
just love remains and i’m grateful for all of it
i love that i can always choose to
feel love and gratitude

i wanted this!!

and i’m grateful for it!!

so grateful for all of it so grateful
it’s flowing so grateful life is flowing

so grateful i get to say yes
and i don’t have to feel guilty for saying no

which i didn’t even do

i can just switch to yes right now
remember the gratitude
remember the love remember i wanted this
remember it’s all flowing

so grateful for everything that is
so grateful to know that whatever happens
is agi

a gift is in my favor

is god so grateful to know
everything is god so gratefult o know t
to know the
the divine buzz and knkowt hat

that only thoughts create
and i get to live and feel the
version i prefer whenever i want
becuase the

version i prefer always always alays

always means alignment with god
because alignment with god feels good and
what i prefer is to feel good

align with god and you will feel good
see life as god through god
feel life as god and that is the solution to everything

so grateful to choose gratitude

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant activity of this
mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled
with the light of truth.