singular focus

and it feels good it feelsl ike
like relief and life is starting
to flow it feels like relief i
feel the relief flowing and i swe

see answers comiing to me from all
angles iknow that
i know that i have to show up to love

for love iknow i know that i can’t
continue to send the signal of disdain for all
and exprect

expect love to be there
expect love to be there
when it isn’t expecting the feeling to be
there without letting go of wh
of the emotions blocking and

it and i love that message i

i’m so grateful to receive that message today

so grateful to receive the message
to feel

so grateful for the life i have
so grateful love
is present so gratefl to
to feel love and remember to
direct it so grateful fort h

the reminder because it
feels like relief
so grateful to remember love really is the

so grateful i know that

so grateful to dothi
this work and find
singular focus to trust
the flow

letting go and opening to
receving iopen
i open to receivng

i open to receiving
i say thank you and open to receiving

it feels good to do this
wrok the o
the only work it feels good
to feel good to feel the feeling
i want to feel to

believe in myself
i’m hre i’m

i’m here

i’m doing this work i’m
flexing the muscles
of believing in my self

it feels good to practice
believing in myself

i believe in my vision
i belivine i m
in my work i know

believe in this work i know this
is the only work
i celebrate this


i am not separate from
god i am

i am not separate
i am god i know taht i am
god i know that

everything is god
everything is god and is i

it is individualized as me
the reality of me
and tha’ts
that’s why its always providing fro

for me and i it

i am god i am god
god is me

how much am i showing up for god??

for love?

amd i showing up for love?
am i showing up for
i know that og is me i know that og
d god
is me

is me and the ego things it is
separate and has to strive but i know i
don’t and i relax in knowing that

i relax i rejoice
i knowing that it is all me
is all me it is all me

am i showing up for love?
am i showing up for love?

i am god i am god i know
ia m now
not separate from
god that doesn’t mean

i have to decide all the deatils
that means that ded

the details work themselves out
i love that i can get out of the way and receive

remember its not me

its no me

i am the watcher i’m not the doer
the maker

it feels good i know who i wm
i kno i know who ia m
i know what ia m i

i know what i am
i know what i am

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe

this all providing source of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me the reality of me

i focuse i get out of the way
i get touf

out of the way i allow love which is the
feeling of surrende

i know what i am

i know what i am
i nkow who i am

and i come here to talk aboutt ath
to treally remember it
becuase i can say i know
but know

not feel the resonance of that statement

am i

i love that is’
it’s working i love that i feel
connected to source
i feel connected to source
i feel the source

i feel connected i feel connected i feel
connected to source
i feel connected to suource

i am source

i know i am source i know there is no
between me and god

i know there’s no separation

i know there’s no separation

i know who i am
i nkow that i am not separate
i know that is’

it’s not my job
it’s only

my job to know the god within
only job is to know the god within

i dont need anything
because i am god
i already have it all
it already is

it already is

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totallly fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i ahve

have found the secret to life and
can releax in the knowledge that
the activity of divine abundance is
eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative enegy wh

energy which is continuoylsy
easily and effortlessly pouring forth
from my divine consciousness
i am now aware

i am now in the flow.

i’m showing up for love
showing for god

showing up as god

when i am aware of the god
self within me as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am totally fulfilled
its all within i love that i know this

secret i know that my only hob
job is to remember i’m god
to show up for love for god to ll

to love the god self andl et go
of everything else i am not separate from
god from
all things

it is all me i am god
i know it’s all me

i love that i get to choose
to feel totally fulfilled right now
i know

that i don’t need

anything else

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipreset substance
of the universe this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me

the reality of me.