thank you

i’m showing up i’m
showing up for love i’m showing up
for love how am i am

how am i showing up
not how is it showing up
how am i showing up
i love this idea and it feels good

it feels good to let it in
to know its only ever me to
it’s only everr me

i kknow i amthe feeling
and i can always turn toward the
feeling cn alway

always turn taow


and that means in all things
in all ways love
that is all there is
and if i want to feel relief

if i want to feel at peace
in my life

i must seek love in all aspects
in ALL aspects and that means
especially m

my opinion of others
and in the false narratives in my mind

i am aware of both and
i am letting them go

i am looking for reasons to love others
or not looking at them at all

i release the false narratives from my mind
the made up

encounters where someone approaches me
talking shit

why am i thinking about that lal

all the time?
why do i feel like i always have to be
coming up with ways to defend myself??

i release that
and clear out a lot of
space in my subconscious

i knw t
that all encounters
in the vortex are perfect

i can only be a match to what
i am so i choose love and let
the rest follow i choose love and
allow the rest to fool

follow and it clears up a lot of spce

it feels good to clear space
it feels good it feels good

it feels good to clear the space to b aware

aware of the space being cluttered and

clear it i
it feels good to make the choice
to clear space in the here and now

and just enjoy just
love this here and now


everything else just love
this here and now
and release everything else

relax into the now
relax into love

into the present
relax into the present
allowing what is

allowing what is

releasing the rest and
just focusing within
remembering i can let everything else
go and just relax into love

into the god self
relax into the god self
say yes to teh go
the god self

say yes to everything that is

say yes to everything that is

retreat tothe g
to the god self retreat to the god self

retreat to the god self

retreat to the god self

retreat to the god self

retreat to love come back to center
to the center vibration

no dissonance

in the here and now
retreat to center to allowing to
love to

receiving retreat to receiving

i know the feeling i know the feeling
i know the

feeling of thinking

i’m poor
i have no money
and the
feeling of i feel money rolling in!

and i love that it’s easy
it really is easy you just
look for it
and you see it

you become it then you see
it and i ilove that i already have
