smile from the soul

that’s all i can ever do and
that’s all that matters

is making the choice to smile
to feel the feeling of a smlei
to feel the feeling of a smile
that is my only job

i don’t have to worry
or do anything else

my only job is to smile

my only responsibilty is to smile
and iknow that’s all i can i do

i love feeling certain about

the fact that i am taken care of
i know all

everything is taken care of m
for me i know i never have to wonder

i simply have to smile

that is my only job i know my only
job is to smile and when i do

god dos the rest i love
that i can rest assured
in that knowledge i simply


and when i practice the freeli

feeling of it
its een more effective

simply smile

smile and i know i can do it and i nkow
when i do i

release resistance
i let go

just smile even if you don’t want to


especially i fy
if you don’t want to i k

i love that i can smile in this very
moment i love

that i can feel the feeling of that smile
i love making the choice to smile i love

smiling becuse

because i know god is taking
care of everything i love
feeling myself slip into the flow
i love focusing on

the only thing that matters
i love comps i love friedns i love
that all my wishes are coming true i love
that i get to smile i love
that i get ot

t fee
