so grateful for this day

so grateful for this day for this new say
day to get ready to get ready to get ready to get ready

to focus on what’s becoming to feel the magical
feeling of what is coalescing at every moment
in every here and now

my grid is filling in with things
that are a match to who i am
what i am and that what i am

is source energy

i’m tuned i’m knowing i’m tapped in
i’m turned on i am

aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfimment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge

that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be awre of the flow

the radiation of creative energy which is continuously
easily and effortlessly pouring froth
forth from my divine consicousness

i am now aware i am now in the

i am now in the flow i am now in the
flow i love feeling in the flow i love

feeling that feeling of



i love feeling that feeling of st

satisfaction i love that i can marinate on it
that i can fuil

build it up

love i love that i know that
life is always becoming i love that i know

contrast means a fun challenge i love
that i know i wanted this and that tjou
the journey is the destination
i love

believing in myself i love
showing up for life
for this fun


called life

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus on the god within as the only
cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence as the
only activity in my affaiirs as
t he substance of all things visible
i place my faith

in the principle of abundance
in action within me

so grateful to feel the feeling of life
always unfolding perfectly for me
i feel the feeling life

of life always unfolding perfectly for me

i know its an emotional journey every time
i love looking for what i want to see
i love feeling the feeling of satisfaction
i love that i already know ia m

totally fulfilled i love that i knwo i wi
i wll see the things i want
because i know i don’t need them
i know all i need iss my co

is my connectino to source and thata i can
feel that satisfied feeling of connection
any time
i love that i can choose the
feel the feeling of satisfaction
the feeling of total fulfillmment

at any time i can always choose
the feeling of toal
total fulfillemnt
i can always feel the feeling of total

i can always feel the feeling of
total fulfillemtn of

of total fcos

focus i love that i can always
feel the feeling i love that i know it always
comes i love that i can feel the
feeling now i love that i feel the feeling now
i love that i can take the big leap into the here and now
i love

that i am happy in the here and now
i love

thanks for this thanks for the
here and now thank you thank you
thank you thank you
thank you

what am i here doing why
am i doing this writing

its an order
to remember my focus
and what is that
its on the god within on the

connection with god on remembering i am
god and anything i’m doing that
isn’t in connection with god

is just me searching for that connection in a different way

i come here to remember
to let go totaly to r

to remember my connection with god
to remember i am god i come

here to practice the feelig of
what i want to feel to milke that

that feeling

to milk the feeling of the connectoin
i feel connected i feel connected with
life i feel connected with life
i feel focused on the
center of life

the god within i feel connected with
the god within is how
show up for love in all aspects of mmy life

i show up for love and life
shows up for me it feels good to show up for
life it feels good to show up for life
to feel the unadulterated flow
to tap into the flow to
look into the flow to mine

the flow it feels good to remember that
what i want is

always flowing to me

i know that it’s always flowing
to and through me and i believe completely
in the version i’m creating
i believin in t

in totally and i live my life in it
becuase it already is

i already am in the prefe

perfect place t
that p

the perfect time

i come here to remember who ia m
to remem

remember who i am remember that
my alignment is what matters

my alignment is all that matters
i love that i feel good i love that
i know it

will feel good and be
fun and easy i love
that i know ti
it will be fun
and easy i love

that i can choose to kno i love
i love that i can feel the
feelig now and know life will follw it

follwo it i love that i know


that it alawys follows the feeling kn wo
i know the feeling i know

i nkow that the fe
i know the feelig

milking the feeling of totally letting

milking the feeling of
creating it of looking for ev

evidence of it

just look for evidence of it

just be brave enough to look for evidence of what you
want i love this moment i love

this here and now i love where i am reigh
right now i love that i know love is eh

everywhere because i’m showing up for it
and i’m trusting it and i
see it everywhere i look

it feels good to know
to know that life
always works out for me

always is and i see evidence of it
everywhere i come here to return to who i am
to return to my w

power and this is the only wrok
because this work
helps me remember my true power

i love that i know i love
the emotional journey i love that iknow
i know i can do it i know i can do i t

i’ve done it before i can do it again