so grateful fort his day

and the feeling i know that all of life is just the feeling
i know that

i knew that when i felt that feeling that it would come
and i know that all of life reflects tat f

that feeling and it has to do with not caring

i know the feeling and its the feeling
of not careing the feeling of not

it isn’t missing and i love that i
get to feel it get to feel the feeling of yes
get to feel the feeling of yes
get to feel the
feeling of yes
get to feel the feeling of not caring of letting of

letting go of braething
breathing of celebrating the day no matter what
i love that we get to celebrate the day i love that
it alreayd i si love that its alreayd in

in the bag

i love

thank you for the feeling of knwoing for the
feeling not caring

for the feeling of relaxing totally into the here and now
so grateful to

relax into the here and now to feel the
feeling here and now so
gratefult o feel
to feel it so grateful to feel it to feel the
to know

to choose knwoing so grateful to get to choose knwoing
so grateful to get to choose knwoing
to get to choose knwoing so grateful to get to choseo knwoing

to get to choose knwoing
to get to choose teh
feeling the precedes everything

so grateful i know

so grateful for the feeling

i knew i knew as soon as i felt that
feeling it would come and that is the feeling
or wa the
was the feeling

the relief

the knowing is what brought it

either way i know it was the feeling and i know the
feeling i know that its always there
the feeling is awlays there
you either look at it or you don’t

but it’s always there and i always get to celebrate it
i love that i get to rise above
i love that i get to renounce my humanhood and love this day

i get to feel it i get to celebrate the day i
get to celebrate the day i get to live

in a celebratory way i get to celebrate the
day get to love thd ay get to
jump into the day
get to

to say yes to the day
get to choose what iw ant no matter what i love that i get to feel it

i get to feel it i get to feel it i get to feel it
today i get to have a good day i know the feeling i know the

feeling of feeling for soething something else to be my reason but
i know that the reason is always right here and now and that
i get to feeel the feeling the

get to feel the feelign no matter what i love that i
it just doesn’t matter i alove th

the better it gets i get t
i love that i get to choose it i love that i get to hcoose i
i love that i get to choose teh feeling
i love that

i know the feeling here and now i love that i have it i lov
how far ive come i love hwer ei am right now

i get to feel it i get to celebrate life
i know the feeling i know the feeling i know that i felt the feeling
and that it was on the way

i love that i get to feel ti i love that i love that
i get to feel it i love that
i get to

choose it i love that i get to chose

choose love i ilove that i get to choose love i love that
i et t

i love that i get to feel it now i love that
it’s already here i love that ther is so

much to celebrate i lovee that i know the
i love that i kno i love that i know

it’s only ever me and i get to feel it
it’s only ever me it’s only

ever me and i get to love it

i know as soon as i felt that feeling
that it was on the way

i knew as soon as i felt that feelin g

that what i wanted was on the way
i love that i know the feeling i love that i know
i am the feeling i love that

i love that i getto i love that
i get to i love that i
get to choose it i love that i
get to choose i love that i get to choose i

i love that the feeling is always right here with me
and i know this

i love that the feeling is always

thank you for the feeling of knwoing that’s always in me
thank you for the celebration of life that’s always within me
i get to choose i get to chosoe it

get to chooes it a

no matter what i get to chooe the
celebration of life
i get to choose the
celebration of life
and i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose it i love that
it’s always here with me i lov ethat
i feel i t

i love that i feel the feeling of love
i love that i feel the
feeling of lov ei love that i feel ti flowing through me

i love that i feel the feeling of yes!!!

and that’s all that matters!!

i knew when i felt the feeling that it
was on the way i knew when i felt hat feeling that it was on ethe

intend to feel that feeling of release
i intend to feel the feeling of release

i intned to feel the feeling of yes
i feelt he feeling of yes i love that

i get to feel it i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get to say yes to it i lov ethat

i am it i am the feeling and all of life
is the feeling i lov ethat i get
to celebrate the day!!

i love that the feeling is always here with me!