
when you zoom out
when you zoom about the
above the emotion
then ou tran
transcend t
it and it doesn’t matter

then you realize it just doenst
matter andyou’re holdin gon to
holding on to something
that isn’t even real

holding on something that doens’t matter
wnat when
and when you zoom above the when you zoom above the feeling
then it

doesn’t seem to matter as
much to

do you want to be right
or doyou want want to feel good

i can just zoom about
above and choose not to
care but i have to be willing
to let it all go let the

cart go and man
my spaceship i have to
be wiling to not care
about the

earthy things and let it all go
and then i set f

myself free from that when i observe
it then
then i let it go
ad i can transcend it

i can choose to feel good now

and remembe that it ust don
doesn’t matter but i have to be willing to
let go i have to be willing

to choose the vortex
over anger over being rght
over needing to be mad all that time

it feels good to drop in
drop down

ground myself and feeling
good it feels good to let gi to

to not strat meaningiless

i can feel good instea i love
that i get to choose
to feel good instead i love
that i get to feel good
i love
that i get tmake the chocie to love i love that i get to make the choicet o love i love that

life always comes to me
i lve that its easy to let
go of the sut
that doens’t matter
and walk the walk

its ea t
easy to walk the walk

i love doing the work and not caring
i love lifting myself up i love movingup i love moving up

moving up

i don’t have to hold
on to any thing i can just choose to say
thank you i acan make
the choose t

choice to sayt ahnk and you

not have to
express it or repress it

let’s have fun

i love thati get to make the coi
choice to have fun

i feel good i love that i get to feel
goo dand celebrate my life ilove

that i get to choose ilove
the better it gets i love the [ower
of the focus i love that its working
i love tat

i feel the
feeling in this

here and now here and now i love
that i know there is always
more than enough there is alwaya

more than enough i loe that i know that i love
that i get to feel grateful i love that i
get to look for what i have be

grateful for all that i have not
what i don’t have

i am grateful for all that
i have i am grateul ofr
for all that i have and i let the rest bo

because i lke
like feeling goodi lo
i like celebrating life and looking
for the best i love that
i an al

can always look gof the
for the best i am able to rceiv ei love

that ther is always more the
than enough i love makei
making the choicet o feel good i love

raising my vibration i love that ih ave
the power to feel goodi love

i love that i get to look
for the

i love that i get to look for
what i want to see i love that i can
get to look for what
i want to see i love

that i get to do the work i love that h
there is always more than enough i lo

love that i get to decide now i love
that the less i do the more i let go
the more it flows know the

the more i let go the
more it flows i love
that i get tofeel to feel good in this here and now i love
the better it gets i love
that i get to make
the choice

to love myself i love that i ‘ve
let ghat
that go i love the better it
gets i love that i d

i know i dn’ thave
have to

i love the feeing i love
the feeling i love
feeling i love the feeling i love
that fe
the feeling i love the feeling i love

the feeling i love
that i don’t have
to care i love that i get to expect the best i love
where i am right i
now i love that i get to feel good for the sake of feeling
good i love that i

it feels good to focus
on feeling good i am allowing myself to enjoy
my life i love that i am wallowing
allowing myself to enjyo

enjoy my life i love
that i can just stop the rest

i love that

i can always
transence the

technique and feel at home
in the

forever present

here andnow

the here andn ow
and that’s all that matters

i make the chociet o love
this here and now and then i feel
good and i let go of the rest

it feels good to

to let go and not care i don’t have

care any more i liove that i decided tno

not to care and i can let

just let ig

it go i know i am
good neough

life is good enough
and life

love me

i love that i know life is
good and
andl ife love me i love that life
love ms

i love that life loves me i love
that life loves mei love
that i get to simply

enjoy this here and now

enjoy this here and now

i love this her and ow
and ai know all tha ans
ansers are

here and now.