the focus and the feeling

the focus and the feeling and i get to choose
not to let other people’s fragilities

get to me i don’t have to pay any attention to it
and i love that i have this skill

i get to choose where my attention is where my focus is and on

tune into and protect your energy tune into and
protect your energy tune into
and protext

protect your energy

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is

individualized as me

the reality of me

the reality of me and to
the focus is the feeling of the
the reason to do this
is the feeling of that knowledge
of resonating
with the knowledge
and i can’t resonante with the knowledge
while i’m thinking about shit that dosn’t

even matter so i get to decide
where to place my fcous i get to
make the choice to tune into and protect my energy i
get to make the choice to do this work
to do this wrok

to do this work

the feeling is all there is
so it doesn’t matter what brings about the
feeling of resistance

i can always return to love i can
always return to love

i can just drop it and that is my power
that is my power and i love that i can
do that i can just do a 180

and feel good i can just do a 180
and i love that that’s my power and the contrast proels

propels me
i don’t care what they think
i don’ tcare what
their reaction is

i stand by it

my job is to drop to let it drop
to let it drop

become obsessed with a new though
turn the boat

change the course

a quantum leap
is but a small shift in perspective
and it feels good to have
the contrat th

the contrast to help me focus
to help me remember i don’t
owe anyone an explanation
or a justification

and that’s huge i know that’s a huge
chunk of something
and i know the energy of life is helping me move
past it helping me remember helping me remember

helping me remember helping me

remember that god is lavish

i don’t have to care i don’t have
to care i don’t have to care

grateful for this work
for the other side of the
wave for the

freedom of not caring for the
freedom to not care

and it feels good it feels good

yeah fuck yeah it feels good the other
side of the wve


wave feels so fucking good
time to fucking stand up for myself
and stop taking shit from these people!!

fuck them!!

for real.

it feels good not to
care it feels good to make the choice
to make the choice it feels good to
make the choice it feels good
to make the choice

my power is in my focus and yhe

contrast helps me focus
so i can say thank you to it

and that is the 180

that is the 180

i don’t have to explain
i don’t have to justify

i see this i feel this i know
this r

truth and i know the
brain worms help me focus
so can

i can say thank you
and they pass i can say thank you
and they pass

thank you to the contrast that
helps me focus thank you for the contrast
that helps me focu th

thank you for the contrast that helps me focus
thank you
for the contrast that helps me focus

i know it only works with focus i know
it only works with focus i know that
it only works

with total devotion to the feeling
so ght

the contrast helps me remember that the
contrast helps me tune out
everything else
do a 180 and use the energy to turn toward
to turn toward

unison with god and th cont

the contrast helps me focus
enough to feel it

god is lavish unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent substance
of the universe this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is
individualized as me the reality of me

turn the boat and its
easy to feel the way i want to feel to
be aware to be ar

aware of the focus and know the fitness is
in turning the boat
that is the fitnees

fitness of the soul
fitness of the spirit
fitness of connection with god
and there’s onlly conne

only connection with god
and i can let the rest go

drop and that is the power
that is the power that is

the chance to do the magick

that is the work
not proving not
explaining not winning

but god is the answer to everything
and i’m so glad i know that i know that
and contrast helps me focus there
and when i’m goducs

focused toward god i forget the rest and it
feels good to allow the god to come through

turn the boat and that is the work
either god self or not

off or on the bus and there’s no in
between so

on the bus on the bus on the bus
on the bus

on the bus

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent is
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

god is lavish unfailing

the rich omnipresent substance
of the universre

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of em

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source of
infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

the reality of me

god is lavish unfailing
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me

the reality of me

the contrast helps me focus