the focus the feeling

the feeling of god the feeling of love coming
through me returning remembering who iam

in every moment remembering who i am
in every moment so grateful to remember who i am
to feel good to feel validated
to feel the feeling focus on the feeling

feel uplifted by the feeling

feels so good to feel good
it feels so good
to feel good to feel the flow

to get there so grateful to do this work the only
work to sit and focus on how i want to feel

not only that but milk the feeling of everything working out for me say yes to
everything working out for me say yes
to this feeling allow this feeling
allow this feeling
to grow do the work the focus

focus work focus right here and now and that
this is all there is the real focus the focus in this moment
letting everythign esle

go really feeling this moemtn and focusing on it

doing this work to remember how to focus
and i love that i’m so goood at it
i love that its easy to cresate

to remember the version i prefer
to remember to

i get to feel how iw ant

so grateful to feel how iw ant to go
back to feeling how i want

so grateful everything is working out for us!!

for all of us!
so grateful life loves me so grateful life is flwing
through me so grateeful the
better it get sto

to do this work and focus right here and now
right her eand n

here and now focus in this moment only
no past or futre

future only god only god
in this here and now
only god in hti s

ehre and now
only god in this very ommetn and i love the

the feeling of god

so grateful to feel good again
to feel like myself again to like myself again

so grateful to feel good again
to feel good again
to feel good again
to feel like myself again
to feel god again

greateful to feel god in this here and now to know god
in this here and now so

grateful for this feeling this feeling
to emem

remember who i am to love who i am
to love this love to now want to go to bed
to love getting up!!

to love this love to love this life
to love my life
to love wher ei am right now
to know that i already have
what i want
what i need

the tuning work the vibrational work
and it always works i love that it always

works this work always works the god work
always works the god

the god work the focus work i’m practicing focusing
my attention on what i want to see more of
and i know that is
the only work i know that is the only w

work becoming aware of your thoughts become
aware of your thoughts

become aware of your thoughts and how they make you
feel and then choose different ones if they make you feel
bad its really that easy i love that
tis that

that easy and i know ti i love that
i love thati’m the

creator i love that
i can break free of patterns i love
that i ccan allow

my god self to emerge more and more
i love that i know my god self
is always emerging more and more
i love that i get to
choose love i love that
ig et to feel the feeling of love right now
that i get to feel the feeling of loving mys

my life that ig et to feel this day
that i get to focus
ont he version i prefer i love that life

is good i love that life is good i lvoe that
i know i love that i get to choose

i love that

i get to choose

i’m focused here
in the magick of htis mom

moment in the god of this moent
now this one now this one

so grateful to do this work
the only work and feel so centered
so grounded int eh t

the truth

so grateful to feel grounded in teht ruth
to know the truth of life and
get to live by it!!

to know the truth of life and get to live
by it!

the truth of life i feel the truth
of life inside of me
and i know i get to live by this truth
so grateful i get to feel

the feeling of connecting with this truth
and that it is always here

tis alw

its always here its always here

the truth is always right here with me