the only work

the only

i remember the power of me i remember the feeling
of me i knwo the feeling of me

i release

everything and

relax intot he feeling of me i release everything
and relaex
into the feeling of me into the feeling of me

into the feleing of me

i love the feeling of me i love transmuting i love
that i always get to choose love i love that i always

get to choose love i love that i
get to surreder i love that i get to surrender

i love that i don’t have to are
to ccare i love that i get o

to enjoy the moment i love that ig et ot
feel good i love that ig et ot have tun
have fun
i love that ig et to have fun

i love that i

i love that
i love that i love

i love the
the feeling h

here and now i love the

the release

the god self the feeling of the god self

i love teh feeling of surrender

the feeling and i get to choose it
its the feeling and i get to choose it

its teh feeling
and i get ot choose it

its the feeling and i get to choose it

its the
the feeling the feeli
and i get to choose it

its the feeling and i get to choose it

i dont have to care and i never never have to be right