i get to feel good

and i dont have to care i dont have to care and i kno th

there’s no such thing as right

so grateful i dont have to care i get to allow i get to
to feel good so grateful to feel

to do this work here and now i can do te work
here and ow

here and now feel good about myself here and now

i can take care of myself
i can take care of myself

i can choose how i want to fele
i cann

i get to choose i get to choose
i get t

to choose i get to choose
how i feel

i get to flip the switch i get to choose
right now

i get to choose right now
i get

to choose right now
i get to

i am aware i am aware of the flow i am

aware of the particles i am the aware of the god self
i am aware

i am aware of the true self
i flip the swtich

its esy to flip the switch
its easy to have a good day

it’s easy to flip the switch its eay
to go within its easy to go within its easy to feel good
its eay to feel good now

to feel the flow now its easy to feel the
flow now to feel the

god self now to feel the fo

god self now to feel the
god self now to feel the
god self now

to feel the god self now
to flilpt he

the swtich to he god self now
and its

just so esay its just do

so easy

its time to stand up for myself its time
to stand up for myself
its time to

to stand up for feeling good for feeling
good for feeling good f

for feeling good for feeling good
for feelign good

feeling good feeling good
feeling good feeling good

feeling good feeling good

i get to feel good i get to flip the switch
i get

to flip the switch i get to flip the swtich
i get to

pracctice feeling good i get to

praccticce eeling good i get to feel
i get to flipt e

the switch i get to felpi the

its easy to flip the switch
its esay to feel good its eay
to have a good day i

its easy to feel the flow

its eay ton

easy not tocare its easy to l

allow life to flow through me

i love that its eay to feel the god feeling
here and ow i love that i
get to nejoy life i get to enjoy the day

i get to feel good i get to
feel good i get to feel good

i get to feel good i get to feel good i
get to feel good

i get to feel good i

i get to

i dont have to think about that
i the kicker

i love that i know i love the pweor
of me i love the focus of me
i love that i get to choose it

i love that im happy in my life
i love that i

ig et to do me i love that
i get to do tm

i am focused at y source
i know t

i know nothing is outside of me
i know
nothing is my por

i love that i get to have fun in my life

i love tha tlife is fun and eay
and it loves m i love
taht i get to hcoose love i love that

i get to choose to feel good
i love

that ig et to choose to feel good
i love that i

i love that i get to choose
in the air i love that
i gt to choose in the air
i love that i

get to choose in the ari

i love that

get to cchoose i love that
i get to choosee

i love that

i get to choose i love that ig et to

choose i love that i get to choose
to refuse to suffer
i lov

i love that ig et to cchoose to enjoy my life

i get to enjooy my life
hre and now i get to

enjoy my life

here and no i get to enjoy my life
here and now i get to c

enjoy my life
here and now

i get to enjoy my life

here and now i get to enjoy my life
here and now

i get to enjoy my life
here andnow
i get

i get to relae the rease

i knwo the practice
i kowt he

the pracctice of me i know the feeling of me
i know

he feeling the feeling of me
i know the feeling of me

i know the feeling

i knwo i dont have to a
to care thats the

joke thats the jok
is that i dont have to care

about any of it
i can just say yes i can just

say yes i can
just say

surrender i can surrender

can surrender i can surrender

i can surrender

and just allow life to lfow through me
i can surrender
and just allow life to flow through me

i knwo this is the only work
this i

this is the practic and this
feelign is the only feeling

i knwo this is the only work that solvees
anything i know this is the only work

that does anything

i know the rest doesn’t matters
i know its not my power

problem i know the rest is not my


i knwo the rest
is not my problem

i knwo i dont hae to care
i can just
choose the feeeling

i get to hcoo

choose the feeling ig et ot hcoose
the feelng i get to choose

i get to cchoose abundance

i get to choose laxmi