the source of all suffering

is forgetting what i am
forgetting the power of me

forgetting that i hae the power t ochoose hwat
i prefer that i have the power to choose
that i have the power to choose
that i have the power to choose

this work i do this work to feel good
to remember me to remember the

inherently blissful self

the inherenetly blissful self
who doesn’t ccare and i love that i remember that id ont have to

alli can do is be

all i can do is be and enjoy

all i can do is catch a wind
allow the energy of life to flow
to knwo its god

to turn toward god to obsess over god and i know that
that’s w

that would be

only ever be the rou

sourceo f my suffering that would only ever be the
source of my suffering

i have to choose ever

single time
to remember that its my choice
how i feel

and all i can ever do is
make the choice

is feel the feleing now
i will never figure it out and all ica n
do is allow i

will never figure it out and

all i can do is allow is feel for the
feeling i prefer to feel

feel the feelng i prefer to feel and
remember it has nothing to do wihtin

anyone outsiddeo f me

so gratefult o make the thcoie
to ch

the choice to do me to do me

its the easiest thing and the hardes thing
and its ntohig

i love that i know that the tao
does ntohing the toa

does nothing and
all i can do is relax into the tao

all i cn ever do is relax into the truth s

strat to feel the way i want to feel

so grateful evye

everything in my life is going my way

grateful for all the love in my life
so grateful i know i can trust the feeling
every moment i can trust the god self

every moment i can trust my intuition
i trut

i know i trust my intuition and i know i

i trust my intuition and i nkow i

i release i come here to release to not cre and its so

easy to now care to not care

its so eay to not care its so eay
to turn

toward god instead to turn toward god instead

and every time i pick it up
i just put it d

back down
and its that easy

to feel the feeling of allowing that
is the feeling i prefer

what do i prefer

having fun


having fun

enjoying life

going witht heth
the flow saying yes feeling good feeling loved

feeling love d

looking for love is the same as looking for god becaue when i have god i know i

letting it go every single time
is a good start

being a ware is a good start this work
is a good start

taking care of this work first is a good strat

letting it all go letting it all go this work
feeling gofr
for gods love

feeling for gods love is a stsar

is a start feeling for god love is a satr

start i know i am love i know i am
i appreciated i know i am love i know i am appreciated

let it go completely and dont care at all

let it go completely and dont care at all

and that’s all i cna do and this wrok
helps me do it i know the feeling it rust the

it rust ti t

i trust the feeling the

its a feeling its a feeling
do nothing and all

allow the natural feeling of god
to exist do nothing

there’s nothing to do

no action to take there snothing ot cain

to gain all ic an ever do is say yes to

moment i can only say eys tothis

moment i can only say yes to this moment this moment

i can only say esy to this moment i can only say eyes to this omment

i can only say yes to this oment

i can only say eys tothis ommenti can only releae everything eles that isn’t god

i know i can d it i now the feeling is rght
right here
i know i am the feleing

i refuse to turn away form god
from what i knwo

that i get to choose
what do you want then?????

what do you want then??

what do i want what do i want

i want to live easy
to live slow

to livei in the flow
to say yes to me in every moent o

to just listen to myself
hre andow

to fine me to rememer me to take more tie for to me

make more time for me
to saty

stay home more i do

i do want that iwa nt to stay haome mhome mofre

to feel confident in who i am
to feel cconfidne tin what i feel in
how i want to spend my time

to feel confidnet doing me
to knwo that i dont
need anything outside of me

what i prefer is to know
what i prefer is to know

what i prefer is to know
to enjoy life
i want to enjoy life

i want to have tun i wnat
to trust the flow

i want
a variety of experiennces

its easy not to care i go
got so sucked into caring but
i dont

have to care theonly thing i wna
want is to not ccare the only thing i wnat

is to not care

and to take care of me and my
to make sure i feel good now

to let go of the rest
to not care

i get to let it go completely

i get to let it go completely
every time i think about it

i release it because its not real and when
i releae

everything that isn’t real
then there is god

and the feeling that i seek
from that situation
is the

the feeling of sitting here with god

all i can do is trut the
god feeling in every moment

release everything else and df

feel the god sfe