there’s no limit to how good i can feel

i know there is no limit to how good i can feel and i now that

i know that i am the source of that feeling i now that
anything outside of me that i would hapo

hope to gain in order to feel good is false
becuase the feeling i seek is alawrey

alredy right here with me
and i come here to remember that tis no

its never ean

anything outside of me and that is alawya
a feeling today

i refuse to vibrate lack i refuse to vibrate lack

its time for me to be in charge of how i feel

its time for me to let that go its time for me
not to care tim

its time for me not to care what happnes and ocme
back to the center of me its time for me to come back to

the center of me its time for me to

feel the feeling of me to feel the ceenter of me to feel the
god in me i

i know that if im
missing something its god and god is always right here

i know the secret to life

i have found the secret ot life
and can relax in thek nowledget
atht the
acitivyt of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i’m getting there im getting there im letting go

im remembering who i am
and i let tit

it go i know there is nothing outside of me
i know there is nothing outside of me

i now i strated to look at something outside of me
as my source

today i let that all go i stop
i stop caring

i dont care what happens i dont care h
what happens because i have god

today its just me and god and we cont
dong ca

dont care what happens
today its just me and god and we dont care what happens

i am aware of where i am putting my attention
i a

i am aware that im looking outside of me
for something

wanting something else to fill me u but
but todya i al

today i am already full today i fill myself
today i do the work that really matters
today i do the work to commune with god and i

that my proximity to god is what informs my life

today i get to havve a good day no matter what
ia llow life to flow through me i allow god to be here with me

i allow the god self to fill me up
and i release the rst

i look at it as good wold i look at it as god would

i choose me i choose the feeling of me
i choose the knwoing of me

i choose the tao

i choose the tao
that tao does nothing

and leaves nothing left undone

i love the feeling of letting it go completely
i love that
feeling og l

of letting that go
of being aware and letting it go
i love that

space betweent hat helps me focus
i love the god self that helps me rememer who i am

i remember who ia m and i allow
life to ccome to me
i let life come to me i remember
who i am

i let life dom

come tot me

i kno the true self and i dont have to choose to be ingnoratn

of it i knowt he true seldf a
self and i never have to choose to bei g

ignorant of it
i feel the god self flowwing through me

i feel the energy of life flowing through me
i fele

energy ofl ife flowing through me
i know the ture

nature of self i know awareness and i know that
i am

i know that awraeness is all ai
i am and the rest isn’t real
i knoww the rea

nothing else is real i know the
the feleing i nkwo the pracitce i nwot he choice
i know life follwoins the feleing

the inherently peaceful self

the inherently peaceful self
the inherently peaceful self

the inherently peaceful
fully relaxed self

and i nkow that every time i become awre
that i am projecting myself outside of myself

i can relax back into th in here

inherently blissful state

i love doin this this wrk
the only work

i love remembering the real me
the true me

i love doing this work the only work

the only work i love the better it
gets i love rememerin

the feeling the god self the inherently blissful
god self i love knowing that

god the god self i love tha

i love remembering the truth
that is all there is i know that

all suffering come from forgetting this truth

the source the

the source of me i remember the truth
and i know that the source of all suffering comes from

forgetting the turht i kno i now

i nkow the turh i know the true self i know the

self and i know hat everything else is an illusion

i love that i nkow i love that
i get to choose love know and its a feeling

that i get to choose knwo and cknkow
and kno

i get to choose the inherently blisfu

blissful self
i get to chooe the inherently blissful self

i get to choose the inherenlty

blisful self
and i love practiccing it

the inherently bliissful self
the magnet self
the god self

the mth to

to alfam
a flame self

the flame self the flame self
iam the flame self

just burning

i amt he flame self
just burning i am the
flame self allowing life to fow

to lofw

flow not seprating myself
from life i knwo that all of life is me
i now that iam th creaotr of me

remembering the god self
is all there is

either that or blantalnly foresaking it
i know that is all i can do i


know the god self or foresake it
i love that i get to choose thefe

the feeling now and i dont need eevidenc
of the feelingin s

inside of me