the work always works

the work is all there is the
feeling is all there is and im so grateful to

relax into that into know do
so grateful to relax into knowing again
to let it all god

let it all god to let itall
god so grateufl to let it go let life god let life god im

so grateufl to let life god

i release everything to
god and celebrate this here and ow
so greateul

the feeling of me the feeling of the

i know the feeling i knwo the releif i know the

relief i know th

releif i know the awrenes i know the
feeling i knwo the knoweldg
i know the feeling i knwo the feeling i know the

feeling i knwo the certainty
the certainty

the feeling the relese
the knowing a
the releasing to god te releasing to god

i feel the feeling i feel the feeling o
i feel the feeling of yes i feel the feeling
of knowing if eel

i feelt he god sel f
i feel
the god slef i feel the knwoing the s
the knowing self i feel the knowing
self and i asay

say yes to tit
i feel the knwoing self and i say yes
to it i

i feel the nkowing kn
the knowing sel fi am the knowing
the fsel fthe god self i am the knowign self

knwoign the
the self the knowig self

the flowing self the god self i return
to the knowing tself

to flowing easself

to the ease and
flow self to tha paying

i am aware ia m aware of the words i say
of what i riti

criticize others for
i knwo its up to me to create the version i prefer
and look for the version i prefer
i know its up to me

look for the ersion ersion i the version i prefer

i know the work i know the feeling i know

i know i know the truth

i have foud the secret to life and
can releax

relax in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life
i simply have to be aware of the flow the radiation

of creative energy which is continuoulsy
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from your divine consciousness

i am now awea i am now in the flow

i know who i am i know what iam i kow the version i create i know what
i look at i know its up to me what i talke about
waht i c

create what i expect i know its up to tme what i

expect i knw its up to me what i expect

thank you for the flow ffor the
feeling the feeling of yes the feeling of knowing the feeling of knowit

the feeling of knowithe feeling of hye s
yes the

of yes the tuning in tapping in trning on of
yes of the feeling of the
yes the
thef eeling the feling the feeling of yes

i love where i am right now i love
that i get to feel good nwo i love that
i get to feel good i love that
i get to

feel good nwo i

i lovve that
i get to feel good nwo i ilove

that i get to feel good now get to feel the god self
get to rememer the god self i love
relesae ing all the rest and feelting
the god self rise

i love releaseing all the reast
and lla

alling the god self to reis
i releaes all the f
and allow the god self to reis


i know i am hre i am hi
i m

i m here i am here feeling the feeling what feeling

what feeling what feeling am i feeling

the feeling of not caring what happnesthe fee

feeling of trusting what happnes
fo feeling secure in this r
here and now
the feelig

of bliss becausee life is working out my way
the feelong

feeling of love because i allow myself to
feel lov
i allow myself to love i a

i allow myself to love i allow myself to love

release all of it
to remember none of it matters

the feeling of remembering none of it matters
nothing matters that i release all of it

the feeling of releasing all of it the
feeling of nt not caring

the feeling of not caring the feeling
of not

not caring the feeling o not
ot caring the

feeling of not aring the feeling of letting it all go
the feeling of allowing god the bliss of allowing
god the bliss of knwoing tapping into the bliss of knwoing

intot he flib
the bliss of love so gratefl to chooe love and
and see it reflected to
so graetful to ch

i feel the god self i feel the knowing i feel
the release i feel the trusting

of liv

life i feel the power to look for what i want to see
and i know that is the

that is my powe feeling for the feeling i prefer
and i love that i know how i to so id
to do it i ilove that i get to feel the

good i love that i know the feelign i ove that
i know the bettet it
gets i love that i know i

i love thet the feeling is back i love that
i get to feel good i lo e that
i get to feel good

that i get to ccelebate life i know i knowthat life is good

i love that i know and i get to celebrate knowing
i loe that i et to celebrate knowing god sna di
and its so easy i ilove that

i can always come back to know to knowing what to lok for
what to feel that i get to choose how i feel and
acan alwayc o