the only work

the only relief is coming back to god is coming bacck to god
i know the feeling of coming back to god i know the
celebration of god that flows through me

all times i love that iget to
have a good t
day and i get to choose it now ig et to have to a
a good day and i get to choose it now i

i get to choose the ease and flow
of life i get to choose knwoing i get
to chooset eh feelnig of the wish fulfilled

i know the feeling of knwoing i know the feeling that
preccedes experience
i know the feeling i know that i can always just choose to
feel the feeling iw ant to feel and then
it is

i kow the feeling of me i know the feeling of me
i know the feeling of god within me

i kwo the feeling of god within me
i love tdoing this work and tuning myself and slipping into the vortex

the release today i get to feel the release today
i get to allow myself to enjoy what ive made today i g
et to asy yes today i

to do thw ek
the work today i get to do the work

i know who i am i know what i am i know the
feeling of me i know the feeling of knwoing

i know the feeling of knwoing i know the feeling i
get to cchoosee i know
that the feeling creates i know that this feeling
creates and i get to

rest in it i get to relax in it
i get to rest in the fact that this feeling
of knowing this
feeling of trusting god is all there is

and that everything reflects it

everything reflects the level of god in my life
reflects god and i knowt hat

i lovejust existign
i love

getting out of the way i love that life
already worked out for me
i love that im here ccelebrating
i love

that it always ccomes back abour
aroudn i love that i know i am loved i love that i know

i am loved i kno
i know the feelig of gods love and thas’s
that’s all there is i know the feeling
of gods love and that’s all there is

i love that i know this i love htat
i get to ccelebrate it i love that
i get to feel it i love the
better it gets i love the

the better it gets i love that i get ot hve
have fun i love that
llife is good i love that
llife is good

i love that i know god loes me i love that i
get to celebrate this day i get to
celebrate this day

i can breathe i can breathe because i know i
i know i kno god i know the god self
within gm

me i can relaex into the god self withim
ei get to

relex into the god self within me
i know the god self i know the god slef

i releax into breath
i realx into all there is

i relax intot he god self
ito fd

remembering me find me i relax into me i real
into me

i reelas
i releas

i remember

who ia m the knowing of me
the feeling of me the abundancce of me

i relax into the abundance
fo me

i relax i release i know i choose
knowing i choose god i

choose knwoiing
i kn
i choose knwoing

i know i ad i embrace
i ay yes
i say yes to the feeling i say eys to love i say yes
to love f

filling my life i say yes to god filling my
life i release the reat

i release the rest

so grateful for the life god gave me so grateful
life is good so gratefl to
feel the god flowing through me

so gratefl i canallow myse

to feel good
i allow the god self toflow through me

i allow the flow
love the flow throughme
i alllow of th

all of this energy to blossom
i say yes to it i say eys to the
love burrsting forth from
i say yes tot his beaustiful say
i day

i say yes to how excited i feel abbout liiffe i
release i say yes i say eys i say

i say yes i release i release
i catch

catch my breath in the flow

im here im here im here im here

im hr im releax i releaxinto the

i releax into the knowledge
that the activity of diive abundace is tern

eternally opertaint in my life

i catch my breath i catch
the feeling i feelt ht efeeling

i feel the release i

feel the release of i
i feel the release i fee life flowing
through me

i feel life
flowing through me