theres only one feeling

the rest just doent matter that rest just doesent matter
and i love that i know
i never havet o ccare i love that i knwo i never have
to care i love that i get to live my life for m love i love that
i get to livee my life for me i love that

i know the rest doesnt matter theres nly
one feelign and its alawy
alawys in me

the feeling i seek is always right here
the feeling i seek is alawys right here

the connection i seek is always right
here and no one else can provide or
take it awaya

i love that i nkow the feeling of god i love that
i nkow its only ever me i know

the feeling i seek is always right here with me
the feeling

i seek is always right here with me
and i knkowthe feeling of the practice and i now its
easy to get back to

just aksing myself every time
how i prefer to feel
ho i prefer to feel

how would you prefer to feel howw
would you like to live?

then hoose
choose it and align with it

the feeling i wan is already here and its me

awake at night looking for probblems and its never me
it sn

its neer them its never them its me its neve them
tis m its neve them its m

ite not them its me looking for problems
its me
feeling this way it sm

its me feeling like i eed valideation
its mecaring what someont else things its me

getting to use this oppor
its me

ite sn
its neve them its me its neve them its me
its neve them tis me

i jst feel like

she doesnt like me haha
ok so why do you care

thats a good question bc i really dont

and this work hleps this is theo nly pursui
this is the ot eh only project

i knwo ti sjust a thought im addicted to i knwo this i nwo this
i love that i get to let it go i love that i dont h
have to care
i dont have to be addictied to getting dopamine fom

frm the
that its me i dotn ahvet o care i cand
i don thavve to care

im a cool person im a cool perosn im
im a cool person im a good persin m
im fun to be around m funny im fun

im smart
i dont havvet o care

its not even anytihng
tis nevet hem
its never

them its me its neve them its me

itss neverr them its me its never them
its me

its how i look at life its how i look at life thats all ther
ever is thats’a ll ther is

ever is its never them its m e

why do i care why do i get so hung up
why do
i so sure of something that i know itsn’t true

why am i so addicted to feeling bad about taht
why am i

so addicted to looking for evdience of what i don twant

like id rather feel the

evdience of what id ont wnat than what i do

attachment is perpetuating lack ‘
i guess i reall dont want that afater all

i guess i reall dont

but the i dont know what o
id o want
so i go back to looking for

what id ont wnat so i cn be dsiratced by that

and not my own life

its never them its me its not her its me
looking for whatas m issing

im chooisng this feeling aba based on nothing becaues i want to fee lit

i want to feel ti tahts the only reaosn way i would be chososing it

id ont hn
need her its an addiction to a thought

wehn i try to feel how i would prefer to feel

i instantly feel like a fraud and start nameing
reasonw hy that not ture

so weird when i now how it works

its never them its me its all me its all
how i see and

it and thats i the only thing that affects life i nkwo this

its neve them its me

never them its me ite ne
its enve the it is m

me life is relfecting me i am the soruce

its never them its me its never them its me i now i know
the power of me i now the pweor of how i feel

so grateful life is on my side
so grateful life lovves me i nkow that god does eveything
perfectly i nwo that its


its neve them its m its never them its me its never them
its me adn all i can do is feel right now

relase it andallow it to unfold all i an do is allow
life to unfodl i
all ic and o is get out of the way and allow life all ic an
do is wake up celebraitng life is thrun
the boat
make th choice to turn the boat thats
all i can do thats all ic ane ver do and i leanr every day

through life experinece hw
how to do that
its how i see it its always how i see it ita aslawy
always how i wsee it just choose
to see it how wia tnt o see it

theres only one thing to seek its never goint o b
et there

its never going to be there and im so
glad i remember that nwo i cam nere

here to remember that and i remember no ts
iten enver going to be there it
can only be refelcted its her

its always here the feeling is here the connecte is here ateh go
the god self is here

the love is here the blessing is here

bless the cap

its enver them its me its never them ill



find it
