today is my day

to denty the senses to remember who i am tore

remember that nothing ouside of me is me
nothing outside of me is me and yet its all me


t ccan today is the day to deny
my sense to feel the love of not
of god to remember my worth to know the
things i do

no one else can do toay is my day
to feel good to feel god flowing through me to know the
god flowing through me
and ignore the reste

today is the day the power of me today
is the arrow releasing today i get to choos to
feel love becaus i am the source

today is my day to feel myself
to love myself to not give that responsibility away to anyone else

today is my day to remember my poweer and not
give it way to find the god within to kno the

god within to be impervious
to know that i get tochoose how i react that
i get to choose if i care
that i

get to choose if i can that i dont have to care

so graeful for how far i’ve come
to learn to be self aware to fel like

llike im really making progress i feel that i am
i now that i am

i am aware of the patterns and i am aware that its not
people outside of me its me
and how i see myself


today i get to feel good today i dont have
to care today i dont have to ccare

i loe that i dont have to care
becuase i have my one and only source

so graetful to feel good today
to feel good today to not care today
to choose myself today

t cjppse

god today

today is my day today ism y day
to cchoose me to choose me
no matter what to choose the

god within o matter what

to value myself i alue

value myself i value myself i knoww my worth
i know my

that i am

my value is in that i am
and i know this and god knows this and that’s all that maters

that’s all that mattes and i love that i nwo this
i love that i get to love myself today
that i get to choose
not to care today
that i i nkow ti

it doens’t mattersto

i knwo the poweer

of me i know the poweer of me i knwo
the powerr of me i know

the power of me i know that i create life
with the feeling i knwo that

i drive life with the feeling
and ig et to choose it now
i get to

choose it now thankyou ot
to the contrast that ccreates

i now tis me i now ts up to me
t creast
it i now tis up

to me to lookk for what i want to see and i love

that i get to i lovet hat i get to

i love that i get to look for what i want to see

feel for what i want to feel and know that
all i have
to do is feel the feeeling
i want t

to feel and then life follows

so graetful to feel good today
so graeful for my wife and my life

that we can helps someone that helps us

so grateufl to feel good today
to feel love today to co
choose love today to knwot hat
is ever perosna

personal that i get to choose love today that i
get to choose

love today that i get to choose tod

today and to look
withi mem to

to look within me to look
within me
to look j

at me

to see me and the only
one that eeds to see me
is me

i lovee that i dont h
care i lo

dont ha

care if you have me

hate me becuae ih ve god

i am the one and only creator
i am

the one and only creator i am
the one and

only creator of me
i love that i dont have to care

i love that i dont have to care i love
that i dont care
i love that life helps me learn

helps me see i lovee that
i get to feel my feelings nad its ok

i know that
no one

devalue me
and that as long as i see my value
it doens’t matter

i know that god knows my value
that god loves me unconditionally
and i can always feel gods love i can

always feel god loving me
and appreciating me

today i get to choose me the power of me
the real me the god sel f



would i care about .. what somene else
is doing when im god?!?!

when my life is going great
and i dont need anyone to validate it

when i get to refuse to feel lack
when i get to e

be the source when i know i am
the one and only source when i know that

everything happens perfectly i love that

happens perfectly i nwo that life
instantly responds to how i feel

i know

i love that i remember who i am i love that i can just laugh
dude i love that i get to love myself i love

that i get to let go i love that
i get to value myself love
i love that

that i value myself i love that value myself
and that’s all that matters
and th

they’re going to wish i still cared!!!!

they’r going to miss mme caring

i love that i get to hoose not to caree
that i get to choosee the god self

the real me
is god
the real me is god the

ral me

real me is god

i know that everythin that
happens is perfect becaue

it can onnly refec tme
so if i dont like it

its refllecting an old vibration
and i can jut focus on the new one
and then life will reflect it

focus on the world within
the outside destn matter