we made it

i love being in the right room
i love that
everything is going my way i love that
life loves me i love that
everything is going my way i love
that life loves me i love
leaning intot he flow the i love
doing the work
i love vegan food i love

loving i love allowing the
vortex to be my energy i love that i know the
iknow the
vortex is my energy
i love tath

that the vortex is my durg


the vortex is my med

the vortex is
my medicine i love
being in the right room i love the
better it gts i love
i love

dreaming big i love dreaming big i love
doing the work i love
doing the work i love doing the work

i love that i know this i the only work this
the vortex is the only work the vortex is my

energy i know that the t

through my consciousness
of my god self the christ within
as my supply

i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of
god within me is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of
god within me is
my supply

i love doingthis work
i love the better it gets i love

feeling set free i love
allowing the best version iof

of me i love that i can
just keep saying yes i love that
i can just keep

saying yes i love
that i can just

keep saying yes

i love that i know i can just
keep saying yes and trusting the flow
i kow i can
i know i can just keep saying yes

i know i can just keep saying ye s
i love that i know life is taking care of me i love tha t
i made it i love that
i made it ilove that
i can just

trust the unfolding of
life it just alway

always comes it always comes it
alawys comes it always cmes

and i love doing the work
because the better it gts the
the better it

the better it gets the better
it gets and life just always unfolds
perfectly i kow that

always unfolds perfectly so
i can just say thankyo

i can say

thank you thank you thank you
thankyou thankyou
thank you

the better it gets i loe the
the better it gets i love that
i know it’s only ever me il ove that
i know it
just doesn’ ma

matter io
love that i know it just doesn’t

thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you

i know that i think it and then
it appears i love the focus
i love the power of me i love that i know

it’s only ever me i love that i can

trust it i love that i can


trust the flow i love that
i can trust the flow

i love doing the work in this ‘
heer and now
i love feeling tuned in tapped in turned on
i love doing the work for me

i love doing the work
the god work knowing that
this i th

is the only work the god
work is the only work

and none of the rest matters
i know this i know this

i know that i am god
i know that
everything is made of
god particles and those

vibrate and those vibrations


those vibrations create

and that

the fact

the law of the universe that is
how it is there is no
way around it so what i see in my life
is always

what i expect it’s alwys the cerat

creation i am creating

i love having a job i ove
love having reucrring
recurring income
i love helping witht he house

i love air conditioning i love
the better it gets i love that
i am allowing myself to heal i love

that i feel
tuned in tapped in turned on

i love that i am

allowing the flow to do it i love that
i am allowing the flow to do it i love
that i feel good i love that i love my life in this here and now
i love that i love my life in this here and now i love

that i feel the flow i love that i know
the vortex is my energy i love

i love feeling good first you become it
then you see it i love that i get to choose i love that i
get to choose i love that
i love that i getto

to choose i love that i
get to choose i love that
i gt to
get to choose i love that
i get to choose i love

that i get to choose that i
get to vibrate i love that i am
in the right room i love doing
good work i love

daring work i love doing
good work i love creating i love wor t

tha sing
sings i love when my heart sings
i love the feeling of loving the

i love the feeling of loving the day celebrating the day

knowing its’ a
good day i love
feeling the feeling of go

racing through my blood

i love that inkow god

is my blood i know that god
is my blood and my awareness of that

is my life force i know this
i know that
i know this

through my consciousness of my
god self the christ within
as my supply i draw into my mind
and feeling nature the very substance of

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the

presence of god within me
is my supply i love
making the choice i love looking for
an opportunity i love

i love letting it come to me
i love that i don’t care what happens
that i can just keep trusting the

flow i love letting go
and trusting the flow i love

that i know

life is really working out for me i love
that i get to feel good that i get to
celebrate this day i love
that i get to celebrate this
day i love

i love that i get to do this
work the god work

i love that i CAN

breathe i love looking for what
i want to see i love that i can
always look for what i wnat to see
i love
everything is going my way i love that
i know

it’s only
ever vibration

i love aht
that i
get to just say thank you
and enjoy this

and know that today
is the best day ever i know that
today is the
best day ever