i love doing the work and becoming aware of the energy

there is this
nagging part of me that
keeps saying

but i’m not there
i’m not in the god flow

but why and that just creates more
of it so i can decided to
feel the god flow
stop looking at the past

and feel it now
feel the feeling now

what matters?

how i feel so do the work
in this here and now to stand up to
my thoughts and feel good now
and just doing this work

helps me become aware of
more of who i am more of what i
talk about inthese posts
and am putting into action

i love keeping up
the good vibes i know that
everything refelct

reflects me i know it’s
just a refletion

of me and i can allow
the energy to do it
i can

i love becoming aware i love doing
the work and feeling
good about myself i love
doing the work i love that i
get to feel good now i love
that i am a match

i love that i
feel wealthy

because i have spiritual

i love remembering that
nothing will ever MAKE me
happy i love that i know

nothing makes me happy
i am only happy when i am at
peace within myself
and i

i am only at peace within
myself when i am allowing the
to unfold
and not getting involved

int he r

the where and how

and i love that i’m feeling
calmer already
i love that life helps me ask i love
taking the big leap i love

doing where life leads me
and knowing that’s all i can ever do

i love knowing that
the answers

are in the here and now i love
that life

is in the
here and now

i don’t


anything else.


is all there is and what is
making me feel stifled

is running away from this
wanting to escape this moment
makes me feel


so why do i continue to do it
because i am afraid?

because i can’t trust?

so grateful to be aware
enough to take the emotional journey and know
that the more
i ask the


the more i
find the answers

tell me


what is making you
feel bad?

thinking i need to
be somwhere i’m not


when i get here
away from here
and to another place

then i can feel happy

and i have to stand up t
o my

to my thoughts this
is where i have to stand up
to my thoughts and


just remember that
i can never be anywhere

but here and it’s caring about
the outcome that makes me

and filled with
pain and contrast and


i want to live a good

just to enjoy my life
that is what i hear in my mind
when i ask it what it wants

and i can do that
in this here and now

i am conscious of
the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the
activity of this mind of infinite

therefore my consciousness is
filled with the light of truth

with the light of truth

that’s how i know
i am connected i am ware
i am conscious

of the inner presence as my
lavish abundance
i am conscious of the constant


of this mind of infinite

therefore my consciousness

filled with the light of truth

do i want to
strive or do i want to allow

do i want to


it happen or do i want to
allow it and i know

what i really need to
let go of



happening at all
let go of caring about
anything out of
the future

it feels good to do the work
to feel better to know ow to f

how to feel better
to allow myself to have a great

to allow myself to
have a great day to know

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance i am
conscious of the

constant activity of
this ind of

mind of infinite prosperity
therefore i am

my consciousness
is filled with the
light of truth

i am letting
go of needing anything
to happen

i am letting go of
needing anything

and knowing

i have it all right now
it feels good to to the work
get to know god

to truly

gain consciousness

to be conscious

i am conscious of
the inner presence

i am conscious
of the inner presence

i am conscious of the
inner presence i am
of the inner presence
and i am happy to do the work

in ever moment

to ascend it feels good to
be aware of my thoughts and
be able to take the emoitnal

emotional journey
it feels good to be in the habit of
looking for what i want to see it

feels good to celebrate life
right now and let the
rest go it feels good
to look for

reasons to celebrate
to become it
then see it i

don’t need to see anything
i don’t need anything to happen
or anything
to change
and life is helping me know this
life is helping me choose this

right now and not

life is helping me not
care life ish elping

helping me not care

it’s not me

it’s never been me

that’s in charge it’s
the energy

behind the mind
it’s not me and the more
i do the work
the more i

come to remember this
i love that i know god i love
that iknow the power of

god i love that i know i am
god i love that i know li

i am god i love that i am

conscious of the inner presence

as my lavish abundance

the inner presence

is that feeling of
knowing within me that
experience of

letting go of the material world and just


i can allow myself to do that
right now i can allow

myself to relax in the now
and say thank you i can

allow myself to
feel good to thank god
for the contrast

that helps me focus

the conttrast that
helps me remember who i am

i can stop

checking for evidence
and i can stop caring
about what happens
those are my

focuses for today

i’ve let go of caring
if anything heppe

happens and i love that
the contrast helps me focus i love
that i can always turn the

and feel how i want to feel andi love
that life helps me do that i love
that i can

celebrate life

right now
because it’s fun i love that it’s
easy to turn the boat

i love that i don’t need anything
to happen

i know that i am just
the observer i love that i
get to say yes thank you

i get to do the work
the only work
that matters i get to do
the only work
that matters

do i want to feel good
do i want to feel good

am i willing to do the work
to feel it to feel the
feeling of not caring

not looking for something
to happen but

feeling the feeling of truly
not caring if it does

nothing matters

it’s not me
it’s not me making it
happen i don’t make things


the energy
does the energy reflects what i look
for and i am allowing

i am allowing anytihg
to come my way i am allowing
life to come my way and celebrating

the fact that life

always has my back

i feel good in this
here and now i lo

and i love that i can
take the emoitnal

emotional journey
i love that we have the space to do our
work i love feeling good about
who i am i love trusting the
flow i love knowing
that whatever
i ever

i got

why do i feel like i know you but i don’t understand you

it feels good to look
for evidence of what feels good

it feels good to make the
choice that i want to live

that i want to live
a full and
fulfilled life
and that i can
do that

by way of

it feels good to see the
evidence of

looking for signs
of improvement

learning to
feel the feeling in this

here and now

knowing that
any feeling that i
think i don’t have

i can always bring to
this here and now

grateful to be remembering

my powers and to want to
use them grateful for this
place and time to focus


grateful for
the space and time


golden days

of vibrational
alignment and to know
that any contrast
is helping

align with my true
self and knowing that

the body is a genius
and is only ever

helping me align
with the fullest version


it feels good to focus
and allow the true
version of myself to
flow through these words

it feels good to focus
and allow these words
to flow from a higher


the infinite
intelligence that holds
us all together
and the more i focus on

that is me

remembering that version
of myself the closer
i get to

understanding it

remembering that i
am infinite intelligence

i am

and i am

creator of it all

it is me and

i also
created it

the more i allow these words
to fall
from my fingertips
and allow


define itself

the closer i feel like
i become to it and it’s

not me writing this
i have to remember that


it is god who is writing this
and god can always give me the


why do i feel



in a muck of

that i feel like i can’t
see through

and why do i feel like
i know you

but don’t have access to you
and that i used to

but i don’t now
and the more i

try to get to you
the further i feel from you

why do i feel like i know
you and i don’t

know you

all at the same time?

and god says

don’t look for me
because when you do

you say

that i’m not there

so don’t look for

that is the best way to
see me

stop looking and i say


and it says


and i ask but really


how will i ever find you
if i stop looking how will
i ever

achieve if i let go
and simply


how can i believe??


when i know
i know
even through life experience
but yet it seems so hard

to connect with you
and it says there you

beating the


of how hard
life is

when you could be using this time

to say

thank you.

thanks god thanks for
this here and now thanks
for payments thanks
for not

having to remind her
thanks for good meals

thanks for the space
and time thanks

everyone winning around me
thanks for

leads saying yes
thanks for that
awesome photo shoot

thanks for kfc

thanks for this
romantic rainy day
thanks for

pump in the living room

thanks for
chocolate chips

2 bags

thanks for the space
and time to enjoy life
thanks for granting
all my wishes thanks for

giving me the contrast that
helps me focus thanks for

giving me the contrast

that helps me focus
thanks for helping me

that i want to live!!

i want to live and i
want to live a full and

energetic life

thanks for helping me
transmute thanks for helping
me do the work thanks
for the time to focus on

doing the only work that matters

energy work

i love the feeling of
raising my vibration
i love the feeling of making
the choice to enjoy life

i love the feeling of taking
the big leap i love that i know

i’ve found the secret to life
i love that i can do it i love that i

get to feel good about myself i love
that i know it’s working that
life always follows the feeling
i love that i am

aware of the flow i love

that i am elevated i love
taking the big leap and

raising my vibration i love
feeling the energy of life
being connected to life i love

taking the emotional journey i love
that i know it’s working i love that

i know it’s a feeling i love
that iknow i

i can always get ther e
and how i feel aboutt aht

is how it

will reflect back
i love that i know this
for a fact
it always works it always works

and it’s not the thing
i want

it’s the feeling
the feeling of knowing
for sure that i can
let go of everything and
allow life to do it
i fe

it feels good to know
that it feels good to know
that life can only

reflect me

in fact

it must

i love that i get to
tune myself and that is life

i love that i know this i love
tha ti know this

i love that i know i am

allows eo t

allowed to enjoy this
here and now i love
that the contrast helps me remember

i love that i know

i get to have a choice

i have a choice

i always have a choice
how i feel and i love that i
get to feel at ease
i love that i get to feel
at ease and

i love taking the
big leap to live

a full and

enlightened life
and i love that iknow it

it’s only me i lov f

the effects of my

feeling brave enough to
feel good

feel good now
feel good now

not in the future




it can only ever be right
now it can only ever be right now

find a way to feel
good now

thank and grow rich

means look for
what i have to be grateful for
not what i don’t have

why is my mind so obsessed
with something

“i didn’t get”

ages ago

why must i look for evidence of
everything i didn’t get instead of
celebrating what i did

i can move

away from thinking about what i don’t have

and i love that i can do it
by thanking

thank you
is the only prayer i need and

if i say it enough i
can move away from the part of my ind

that is looking for what i don’t have
the poart of

me that keeps thinking
but what about what
i don’t have

and that just creates more of
the same butwhen

i say thankyou

i create more of the same

so grateful for my wife so grateful
to sleep as long as i want so
grateful the wife takes care of
the budget so

grateful for a nice
day so grateful for the time
and space to do the work
so grateful

to get to hang out with my mom

so grateful to do the work
so grateful for sub payments so grateful to
be able wo walk

to walk where i want to go
so grateful life is easy in the flow

so grateful i know the flow

so grateful to do the work

just do the work and let it go

is all i can ever do
is look for signs of improvement and i can
feel that

magick feeling
flowing through me

not string
not trying for
the feeling

but allowing myself
to feel it and the

better it gets
it feels good to feel confident
in the flow it feels good
to practice the feeling
to know

nothing is permanent and
life is long and the mre i can

my vibration the
better i feel

what if i knew it was true

the mantra i use
what if i said it to myself
as if it were true

what if i really trusted the
universe instead of

‘letting go’ and still
looking for evidence
what if today

i truly let go
and didn’t do anything
just totally trusted the universe

what if today i felt the feeling
of knowing that god is lavish
unfailing abundance

what if i knew that for a fact
what if today i lived my life
as if it is true

because it is

i know it is
in my heart i know it is
and my mind

is getting there

i do this work to
feel good and the more i do it
the more i get to

remembering who i really am
and i know that

for a fact that god is flowing

let’s see
the times it has worked in the past

it really worked

but what worked??

i got something
usually money
or a person
or a situation i wanted

but it only came about when
i truly let go

needing it

and wasn’t looking
out of the corner of my

third eye
wondering when it was going
to show up

i truly let it go
because i knew
for even just a short period

that i didn’t need that
thing that i think i am doing the
prosperity plan to obtain

it’s not to get anything
it’s to know who i really am to remember
that my work is to know who i am
and that’s it

so it’s easy to let go and lean into the flow
and trust that god is taking care of it all

it’s easy to lean into the flow
and look for signs of improvement

it’s easy to keep up the good

it’s easy to keep up the good vibes

it’s easy to remember who i am
and that lack can only come about if
i believe in it

i know there is no such thing as lack
and i am accepting that truth
i am accepting that god is

and unfailing

god is lavish unfailing
the rich omnipresent substance of
the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

i love that it’s working
i love that there
is no such thing as lack
i love that i know

god is lavish and unfailing
and all that matters is perspective
is what i look for is how i feel and i love

that i have so much life experience
that teaches me that


money is my mentor
money is my woman

and i know that everything
is an indicator of me
of how i feel and



i know that it already is
the way i want it to be
and that i don’t need anything
because god
is lavish

unfailing abundance

i love doing this work i love that
it feels good to have fun and do the work i love
doing the work i love
feeling good i love that

i love that it’s working
i love that it’s eay to

raise my vibratoin tot he
the vibration of spirit

and relax in this here and now
and know that every moment

is god
every moment is infinite

i relax into the infinite
here and now and say thank you
for this here and now it feels good

milk the feeling to
remember who i am it feels good
to send the signal of love

to everything

any and everything

i love remembering who i am
i love that it’s warm
i love that i love the wife i love

that i can allow every day
to be a good day i love that i can
do the work i can do the work

to turn the boat on the energy
and i can heal my life

i can heal my life and i know
it’s easy it’s

only ever just a thought
and i know i can release

and enjoy this here and now
here and now i love

gathering momentum and feeling good
about who i am i love that iknow it

it’s working i love the feeling
of knowing that
it’s working i love

i love that it’s wrking i love
that it’s

it comes to me when i get out of the way i know
all i can ever do

is focus on the knowing
focus in the vortex
and let the rest go i love how good it

feels to know that
god is lavish

i already have it all
i don’ thave to

believe in lack

i never have to believe in lack
i can celebrate

my connection to self
knowing that the person

or situation
is not separate from me
it can only

show me who i am
it can only ever be

an indicator

i love that i know this i love that i know
god is lavish unfailing abundance

i love that i get to celebrate this knowledge i love
that i can let go of



i love that i can let go
of all of that and just choose knowing
to know that life

reflects me and i get to feel
good now and celebrate right nowi get to

relax and celebrate here and now

and this is my only
work this is the only work that matters
and i can let go of the rest

and relax into life

enjoying life i enjoy lifei enjoy
my life and i’m so grateufl for what i want
i l

for what i have so grateful it’s
working so grateful to feel good aboutl ife

so gratefl to know
that only thoughts can make
me feel sick

or tired

i know this and i love that
i get to look for signs of improvement
i love that

i can let that go i love that i can
do the work and let that go i love tha t
i can

open my heart chakra
and allow life to love me i love
that iknow life loves me i love that i
get to take the emotional journey

i love that i know
i m
am god

god is lavish

and i know that
any evidence of lack
would be as a reflection
of an old vibration

today i intend to
give up trying and allow myself to
feel the feeling right now

of knowing that
god is lavish
and unfailing

rich and omnipresent
and i need not

want for anything

because there is no such thing
as lack

i love coming into the feeling i love
coming into the feeling of me
and doing the work to raise my vibration
and let go of

resistant thoughts

i know i can do it
i know i can focus on what i know i can
focus on truth and let the
rest go i know i can

say it like i believe it
and let the rest go i know i can let it go
i know i can do it and i can focus on

what i know which is that god is lavish
unfailing abundance
that rich omnipresent substance
of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity

is individualized as me
the reality of me i know i don’t have
to make

anything happen i can
just allow it to unfold
through the magick of me i can allow
life to unfold through the magick of
me i know that

there is no

such thing
as lack

unless it is created in the mind
and today i intend to look for what i want to
see i will allow

to be my drug i love that i get to
feel the feeling of god

is lavish and unfailing
and i odn’t

i never have to limit
the unlimited

i can allow myself to believe
the truth

to live the truth
and i know the more i allow
m yself to do this

the mor ei allow

i allow my life to naturally
unfold i love that i am getting everything
i want and i know

that it’s just a feeling

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent
of the universe

this all providing
source of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me
i love

that i get closer to god every day
i love that today i am feeling the infinite

that is me

i know i am infinite abundance
and i never have to want for anything

i love that iknow this
i love being a match to this knowledge i love that
it’s easy

for me to let go and
feel the flow i love that it’s
easy to do the work and feel

the lavish abundance
that is me

individualized as me

i love that it’s working

and it’s all coming
tome i love
that i get to celebrate life
i nthis

here and now i love that
i get to clele

celebrate life i lovet
that i get to say


thank you i love thati

i love

i keep my mind

and thoughts

off this world and
place my eneti

entire focus
o the
the god within
as theo

only cause of my


i acknowledge the
inner presence as the
only activity in my

financial affairs

as the substnce of
all things visible

and place my entire focus
on the god within as
the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge

the inner

presence as the only

only activity
in my financial affairs

as the substance of

all things visible

i place my faithin
in the principle of abundance in
action within me

i keep my
mind and thoughts oof

off this world
and iknow the

power of that power

i know the power
of that power and

i know the power
of the practice

getting to feel the feeling
to feel the feeling

i keep my mind and thoughts
off this world

i odn’t

don’t even have to
think about that i don’t even

have to think about that

i love that i know thepower ofe

i love that i can

brign th h

the heat from within
i love that i can

feel good now i love that
i can bring the heat from


remember what feels better
and go

with that

i get to remember what
feels better and

go within i get to trust
the flow feeling the feeling

and do the work

the only work that matters
and ikow
i now that this work


i love that life is
always going my way
i love that it flows
i love

that i can always align
the energy i love
being friends with the

i love that it came to us
i love flyering
i love

feeling the feeling of
being inspired i love
feeling ideas

i love that i know
the energy reflects me i love
tht i now

that i know it’s
all energy and i love the
feeling of


jumping into the flow i lve

love feeling the feeling
of yes i love that

the feeling of yes

i keep my mind and thoughts
off this world and place my

entire focus onthe
god wtithin
as the only cause of myk p


i acknowledge the inner presence as the only
activity in my financial affaris

affairs as the substance of
all things visible

i place my faithin t
in the principle of abundance in
action within me

it’s all energy i love that i know it’s
all enerngy i love

that i know i love

going within

moving my cneter
center of experience to

my gut and

sending the enger

energy up

i am aware that
i am creting

creating it all and that
i get to choose what i creat

am aware of the flow
and i know that the

it is always flowing
i love that i am brave enough

to choose
the feleing

i am brave enough to choose
to feel good about that

i am brave enough to
feel good about that i l

love that ia m getting to
become aware of ao


ingrained vibrations
and i love that i am

aware enough to set
myelf free

i love eing


i love the power of the foucs
i love

that i get to feel good i love

i love that i know
the energy and i can

just keep my mind
and thoughts

off of that i can j

i keep my mind and thoughts off
this orl

world and place
my entire focus on the

god within as the only

cause of
my prosperity

i acknowledge the
inner presence

as the only activity in myi

as the substance of
all things visible

i place my faith in the
principle of abundance

in action within me

i liove that i know

i know its all energy its a

all energy its all energy
itsl a

all energy and i gert to choose
the feeling

right nowi can
alweays b

always bring all the feelings
from within

i love doing

this work because
it works i love that i
get to know

who i really am i knowthat
my only job

is to


and remember that
everything is spirit
is energy

everything is energy
everything is

energy everything
is energy i know is’

it’s all energy and i can
make the choice to

feel how i want to feel i get to mak

make t

the choice to focus inthis
here and now to enjoy life

to get a smile

it feels good to get a smile
from a pretty lady

it feels good to
have events to go to
it feels good to

feel good

get everything iwant
to always get

to look for what i want to
see and see it i love that i ge to

feel good i love that iknow

i love that iknow this
is my work lining up the energy
is my work saying yes

is the work
letting go is the work

i know feeling good is the work
the work the work

the work feeling good is the work i love

that it’s working i loves aying
yes thankyou i love that i know

its’ all energy

i love that i
get to choose

i love that it’s all good i liove
that i get to make the choice i love
that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel goo

i love taking the emtioa

emotional journey and
that i get to bleieve

believe int he energy
that creates worlds
and remember that

when i truly

let go

it flows
without me having to do a thing
or try

i keep my mind
and thoughts without

off this world
and place my entire focus
on teh g

the god within
as the only cause

of my prosperity

i acknowledge the
inner presence as theonly

in my financial affairs

as the substance of all things

the busta

substance of
all things visible

because everything
is just energy and what i see
is just an outpicturing of that

the emotional journey

i love that i know
it’s all energy
and i can always

ask myself

“is that what you want?”

if i am

thinking about

something i


i can always
ask myself

is that what
you want?

and if the answer
is no

then it is also my choice
to change it

to look for somehthing
else and thus

create it

is that what you want?

then change it
just look for something
different think about
something else

instead of that
and then you

aren’t creating it

i love that i know
it doesn’t matter
where i am

no matter what i am
or what i am doing

if i am
separated from source

i will feel
the feeling

of missing

and i’m not missing
that thing or that situation
or that place

i’m missing me
my connection to me
and the feeling that comes

along with it

when i am aware of the god
self within me as my unlimited supply

as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

i love that i can always

feel the connection
closeness to me

i love that iknow

i know now
more than eve that

happiness doesn’t come
from a place
and i love that i’m learning
it i love that i

remember the connection is
all that matters and that


is all there is when i
feel the feeling i am happy with
what i have now i

bring the feeling i want to the
present moment and that’s

all i can ever do i love
taking it deeper into obscurity

i love that i get to
choose and then let it go i love
that i can choose

the feeling i want and i choose
how i want it to


i love taking the
emotoinal jou


become it then see it
and i know that is the
only way

become it then see it

and i am cultivating
the feeling i am allowing myself
to build up the feeling
andm ove the



energy up i am allowing myself
to be the energetic being i know
i am

and it feels good it feels good
to let go to let go and let

it f;low

flow and i love that i am

leraning more

every day i love taking
the emotional journey i love
that life is good i love

i love that i don’t have to care
and i remember

to transmute the energy

transmute the energy
and be aware i can be aware of
the energy and


i love that i get t

don’t have to care i love
that i get to be who ia m
i love that i get to

do this work
the only work that matters
and take the

emotional journey
because iknow it

it’s only ever

me i love taking the
emotional journey i love
doing the work and i love

that i get to love
where i am right now

i love that i get to
to do the work

i can let it go i can let it go

i’ve let that go i’ve
let that go i’ve let that go

i know it’s just energy
i know that

life is just energy and i can

alwya a

always ask mysefl

if that is what i want
and if i don’t like it
i can change what i look for

i know it’s just
energy and i sam saying

am saying yes to everything
that is

when i am aware of the
god self wtihin

within me as my totla

total fulfillment

i am totally fulfille
i am

i am now aware of
this truth

i have


found the secret

to life a
and can relax in the

that the activity
of divine abundance

is eternally operating
in my life

i simply have to
be aware of the flow
the radiation of

creative energy that
is contintuosu

and aff


pouring forth from
my diving cons

divine consciousness

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i know it’s
all me it’s

all only ever me and i

am so grateful that
i get the opportunity to

take the emotional journey
i know that’s all life is

i kow all life is just and meo

emotional journey
ad it

and it feels good t

to do the work to b
e are

aware of
what i am creating
and vreat

create something new

and i know i am
here to

my f

feelings of

and learn to love
myself and not cre what
a single other person

thinks of me

i can do it i can
become what i want to see
and i love

that the

gives me perspective
i love

a little perspective and
a little

space to remember who i am
i love that i get to feel good
in this moment

becuae life is allowing me to feel good

i love that life is allowing
me to do the work

me to do the work me to do the work

me to do the work me
to do the work
me to do the work

the work
is this the work is the energy

when i am
aware of the god self
within me as
my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now
aware of this truth

i have found the
secret to life and
can relax in the knowledge
that the activity
of divine abudnace

is eternally

operating in my l.ife

i smiply
have to be aware of the flow
the radiation
of creative

energy which is continuouysly
easily and


pouring froth

forth from my divine concsiou


i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i know it’s all
energy and i get to choose
whether i car

whether i place my
energy on that i get to choose
whether i place my

energy on that whether
i give aware my

away my personal power to
that and i love that i am

taking the me

emotional journey

i make the choice to
enjoy right now because

when will i ever
enjoy if it’s not right now
i love that i feel good
i liove that
i feel elevated

i love that i feel
calmly blissful

doing the work is easy

and i love that life is good
and flows easily through me i know that
life is good and i can
relax in this moment

i know that life is good and i can
relax in this moment i know i can
feel the feeling in this here and
now i love that i get to feel the feeling
i love that life is good i love tha
i get to allow the
healing power of life to flow through me

my consciousness of the spirit
within me as my unlimited source is the


to restore

doing the work is easy
and so is returning
to center i love tha i
get to choose ohw i want
to feel

and that choice to
align with spirit

is the medicine tha solves


i love that i get to feel
good i love that i gett o look
for wnat

what i want to see and remember
that only thoughts

can make me feel that way

the divine power
to restore the years the locusts
have eaten

make all tings
things new

and lift me up to the high
road of abundant prosperity

i love that i get to do the work
and the work always wroks

and knowledge

of spirit

appears as every visible
form and experience i could
possibly imagine

so i go within and
remember who i am just relax and say thank you
i love that i can

relax and say thank you i love
that i can allow the

healing of life to flow through me i love
that it’s easy to relax

the flow i love that
it’s easy to feel good now ilove

that it’s easy to feel good now
to feel good now and enjoy my life
for me i love that i e t

get to enjoy
life for me i love that i
get to enjoy life for me
i love

that i get to enjoy life
for me i love that i get to

enjoy life for me

i am here now and
i am

i undestand
and i know

that the spirit
within me is my unlimited supply

i love that i now i love
that i know its

it is nowhere
outside of i know that
i ge tto feel g

good now i know that i get to
feel good now i get to feel good now
and i get to feel

that i am

enough i get to feel that
i am enough i get to feel good about who i am
and say thanks

to god for everything

thanks for that


because i’m feeling good a
bout life and i know why things are coming my

way it’s because

it’s because of a feeling
a vibration and that’s

i know it’s because of a feeling

a vibration
it’s just a vibration
i know it’s just a feeling it’s just a feeling
and i am allowing it to flow

through me it’s

my consciousness
of the spirit within me

i know all that matters
is what i cam cre

am creating with my feelings
i know i

everything is a feeling
and i can alwyas come

back to the feeling of
allowing life to happen

expecting it to i love tha i’m

letting that go i love that
life helps me take the m

emotional journey i love that i
get to feel good now i love that
i get to let go and relax into the

flow of life say ythak
than you in this here and now
and know tat life

can only

reflect me

i know that life
can only reflect how i feel and i
feel good abot that i love tha t
i always know

who i am in this here and now
and it’s


i love that i now this i love
that i get to choose

vibratoin of

yes i love that i get to
take the big leap i love that i get ot
to coach

i love that i get to lean into
life i lovethat

that i am always getting what i want
i love that i am always g

getting what i want i love

i love thtat
i get to feel good about that
i love that

it’s within me i love
tha ti am dooing

doing the work and it’s

working i love that iam
doing the work

i love that i
get to feel good about that i love
that when i don’t care

not only do i feel better

but i get what i want

i feel good now i feel
good about life and i cam

am celebrating life
because it always goes my way

ilove tha ti get to love
life in this right no wi love
that i

get to feel set free in this

very moment i love that
i get to feel set free

in this very moment i love
that iknow life

loves me i love that i now
when i


that is what i get i love that
i know

it’s all energy

it’s all energy i love
that i get to decide how i feel i love
that i

get to decide how i feel and that

it’s all energy i love that
i know it’s all energy i love that i get to
do it vibrationally

change the energy
change the situation

i love that

i know this and i love
doing the work i love the
better it gets i liove that

get to feel good about life
i love that i get to

send the siganl of life


and life loves me back

i get to feel good
i get to allow the


to flow through me
i love that it’s wroking

working i love the in
and out i love that the

helps me create the in
i love tha ti

that i’m feeling good about
life i love that ‘s

it’s working

i am feeling the
effects of my practice
and i know

life is always changing for the best